Chapter 22

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Me: It's not possible! You guys were all fired! What on earth are you doing here?!

Man 1: We don't remember being fired, but after Seto Kaiba beat us in that virtual reality game, we lost our minds and bodies.

Me: Clearly.

Joey: Who the heck are these guys?

Mokuba: They used to be Kaiba Corps executives. They're the goons who tried to finish off my big bro in that game. The power they had wasn't obviously enough for them, they're known as the big five.

I glared at the man in the middle as he came forward. They ran out the doors, how the hell did this happen to them?

Man 1: Yes. Our minds roamed through the virtual world for what seemed like forever. We all asked ourselves, how can we get revenge on Seto Kaiba? Once we found Noah, and noticed we had the same grudge against you, he downloaded us to his system. It's time to get revenge Mr. Kaiba!

They all laughed like the mad man they were. I went in front of Seto to protect him. I whipped out my wings and bared my fangs, growling at them.

Seto: I beat the five of you once, I can do it again!

Man 5: We'll see about that Mr. Kaiba.

I don't know what happened next, but we were suddenly in a jungle full of real live virtual dinosaurs. A huge T-Rex saw us and reached down to get us for his dinner. Everyone except me and Seto ran, we just stood there where we were.

Mokuba: Seto!

Laurie: Mia!

The dinosaur grabbed us, or at least tried, but his hand went right through us. Seto laughed, I held onto his arm.

Seto: You can't intimidate me!

Me: Me neither.

The dinosaur left but Seto came out of the bushes in his purple coat.

Tea: Seto, did you just change your clothes?

She looked back, screamed, and fell to the floor. She backed up still screaming, and pointed at the real Seto and the other one.

Seto: Stop screaming, this is one of my holograms I made to duel against. I made plenty of these.

Tristian: You duel against yourself?

Seto: Who better?

I smiled staring at the two Setos, I had a dream about this once!

Hexy: Check out Mia, her life long dream just came true!

Everyone looked at me and I blushed, Seto just smirked. Anyone can embarrass me right now, I don't give a damn! Two Setos in my world is a fricken dream come true!

Man 2: Welcome to the virtual world. Now let me explain the rules-

Me: Screw the rules I got money!

Seto looked at me smirking.

Me: What? Too soon?

Man 2: You cannot leave-

Hexy: Shit.

Man 2: Until everyone of you beats us in a duel-

Ashley: Damn it!

Man 2: If you lose, we'll be taking over your bodies.

Laurie: Oh hell naw!~

Everyone gasped in fear, this is crazy!

Man 2: I think I'll take Yugi. I can't wait to be young again! But first thing I'll do is take care of that ridiculous hair cut. Now, watch this duel between Seto and this deck master.

Yugi: Deck master?

Seto the hologram played dragon warrior and dragon flute to summon all three blue eyes at once, then fused them all together to create blue eyes ultimate dragon. Then the other deck master competing against hologram Seto blew him and blue eyes away. The other Seto yelled and fell to the ground, he disintegrated in thin air.

Man 5: Good bye Seto Kaiba. Soon, that'll be the real Seto.

I gasped softly and held onto Seto looking away.

Seto: It's okay Mia, that's not going to happen.

Laurie: Get us out of here NOW!

Man 5: We never left the room!

We returned back to the room we all came in, all of us shocked.

Seto: No way a kid could create a virtual reality world that real all by himself!

Joey: Yeah! And you said something about a deck master?

Man 5: You see, in virtual your deck does not exist. You have to make a new one using our virtual store. Choose one monster from your deck to help you through everything. Pick carefully because once you choose, that's it. Good luck.

We went back into the virtual world but this time, we got split up. It was me Seto, and Mokuba. We were in a forest lit by sun light.

Seto: Let's go.

We followed Seto through the path created for us into the beautiful deep forest. 

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