The Sakamaki Brothers....

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I nodded politely at him as I can feel his hand cold like the inhuman, I already know what kind of people he and his brothers are.

Yep, just what I expected. Their not human...

I thought suspiciously looking at him and I turned to look at Yui frowning at Ayato.

I'm surprised that Yui hasn't notice that their vampires. Hmmm sooner or later she'll figure it out....

I thought as me and my sister followed Reiji and Ayato to the living room where we discuss our arrival.

"Now since we're here, why won't you tell us about why you and your brother are here?"

Reiji asked politely.

Wow for a vampire he hasn't notice that I'm actually a girl. Typical 😑.

I thought in a unimpressed tone.

"Oh well we-"

Just as Yui tries to explained, a lighthearted chuckle appeared in the room.

"Well, what do we have here? Could it be that two people have came to visit us?"

We then turned to the guy who looks similar to Ayato, but his hair is light red and wears a fedora. He looks at us with a seductive gaze, but I can feel his gaze are fake where it is actually a lewd gaze. He then looks at me the same way he looks at Yui where I looked at him with a stoic gaze hiding my disgust from him.

He then teleported to the living room where he's about to lick my cheek but I pushed his head away from me avoiding his advances.

"~fufu~ feisty aren't ya sexy kun?~"

The fedora man smirked who is unaware about my real gender.

"Lesson one, never licked someone's face that you just met."

I warned him sternly with Reiji tilting his head smirking as he gazes at me intriguingly.


Yui then shrilled when a young man with purple hair and eyes holding a teddy bear licks her face.

"Wow she's delicious, ne teddy?"

He grinned innocently at his teddy bear.

"Stop that you two, it's highly inappropriate to behave to a woman that you barely just met."

"But why? It's only natural to lick someone that is so irresistibly delicious~ right Kanato?"

"Mhm I agree."

Kanato grinned at Laito, but Ayato rudely interrupted their conversation.

"Knock it off you guys, have you forgotten that oresama is the one who saw them first? Consequently oresama is going to make the blonde flat chested girl my first everything!"

"Lame, I'm sick and tired of hearing the word "oresama", it's annoying as hell."

This cause Ayato to stand up and angered by his remark.

The Cool Sister(Diabolik Lovers Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin