I could see Sakura turn towards me with a shocked expression. Then I felt my wrist start to burn; it was the curse mark acting up. I fell to my knees holding onto my wrist. Orochimaru bent down to my level, moved a stray hair behind my ear, and stoked my face.

"Well Izuka, it's been so long that I didn't even recognize you. You've turned into such a beauty, but that's what is expected of an Uchiha. I knew that you would be stronger when you got older. You've done a great job raising these two young boys. You're still my favorite student."

I gave him the famous Uchiha glare added with my Sharingan which made me start to feel weaker. My chakra was draining quickly so I deactivated it.

"Oh so scary Izuka-chan. I know that you're not loyal to the Hokage." He whispered making me freeze.

I widened my eyes but when I tried to stand, the curse mark paralyzed me. Orochimaru chuckled while grabbing my neck to lift me up. He slammed me against the tree with his grip tightening causing me to lose oxygen. I gasped for air but it was no use. He looked me up and down, his eyes landed on my best friend necklace.

"I see, did something happen to little Yumi?" He questioned with a sadistic smile.

"Don't speak of her," I managed to say.

"I'm guessing she died."

"SHUT UP!" I gasped in anger.

I regained control over my body again and kicked him as hard as I could. I couldn't move anymore; the curse mark sucked away all my chakra. His grip tightened around my neck and threw me towards the ground with force. When I hit the ground pain exploded throughout my body. He finally got up the stretched his neck towards Sasuke.

"NO!" I shouted trying to get up but fell to the ground.

It was too late.....He bit into Sasuke's neck causing him to scream in agonizing pain holding onto his neck.

"Soon Sasuke-sun will seek me at for power. Izuka I'm happy that my favorite student is still alive. It was nice seeing you again; I hope you'll join me once Sasuke does."

When he disappeared I could move again so I ran towards Sasuke and Sakura. Putting Sasuke's head on my lap I started to heal his wounds as he gripped onto my shirt because of the pain. I couldn't take seeing him like this; it broke my heart. Why couldn't it have been me instead of him? Sasuke means everything to me. I stroked his hair trying to calm him down.

"It's going to be alright Sasuke....I'm here.....You're safe." I whispered to him cradling him close to me.

I lifted him up so that he was sitting up and hit the pressure point on his neck making him fall asleep.

"Sakura.... I need you to take care of Naruto and Sasuke for me."

"But Izuka-sensei! What about you!?" She cried.

"I have to tell Hokage-sama what happened. I know that you can protect them. They're my brothers and I trust you with their lives. I have to go now so take care of them."

"Okay...I won't let you down." She said with determination.

I got up and started to run towards the tower. After a few hours of dodging teams and animals I made it to my destination. I ran inside appearing beside Anko looking at the Hokage.

"Izuka, what happened? Your chakra is almost gone and you're injured." The Hokage exclaimed.

"Orochimaru happened; he drained my chakra with the curse mark and we battled." I answered as I took a seat in a chair trying to rest.

"I see, where was he last?"

"About 3 kilometers south of here. I'm sorry that I couldn't stop him from biting Sasuke sir." I looked down in disappointment. If I didn't have the cursemark, I could've stopped him. I had the chance to use my sharingan on him but my chakra was too low.

"It's alright Izuka; I'm glad that you're okay. I'm surprised that he didn't take you with him. Did he recognize you?"

"At first no he was suspicious but then he recognized a jutsu that I used. He was surprised that I was alive."

"You're dismissed; how many teams did you encounter though?"

"Five, they won't be making it back home." I said coldly making them all shiver.

"I told them not to mess with you." Anko sighed.

I exited the room and continued to walk through the tower seeing if any other teams have arrived. I was worried about Sasuke and Naruto. They might not pass the test at all. My mind wondered for a whole thinking about various things.

While I was walking I heard a few people talking in a room. I walked closer towards the voices and stopped at an open door. In the room I saw all of my friends Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, Gai, Ibiki, Iruka, Izumo, Kotetsu, and some other Chuunin.

At first they didn't notice me but when I walked in they did. They all watched me come in and take a seat then their eyes trailed to my neck noticing the bruise and then my cuts. They were all concerned.

"Izuka, what happened? Asuma asked breaking the silence flicking his cigarette ashes out the window.

"Orochimaru," I answered looking him in the eye.

"Are you alright?" Kurenai gasped with a concerned expression. I've only met her a few times through Kakashi along with his other friends. We've gotten closer over the past few months I've been off duty.

"Yeah just some scrapes and bruises; it hurts a little but I'll be fine. Once my chakra replenishes, I'll heal it."

"Your chakra is so low." Kakashi mentioned for once looking away from his book.

"Yeah, he activated my curse mark taking away my chakra."

They all looked at me for a few moments but then went back to their own conversations. After a while Kakashi came over to where I was sitting.

"Wanna take a walk? Just like old times?" He asked.

"Sure, it's boring here." I answered.

Getting up we left the room; as we were walking we passed a mirror. I finally got a good look at myself and saw that I was covered in dirt and blood. You could hardly tell if it was my blood or someone else's. My eyes trailed up to my neck which was badly bruised. It was dark blue and black in the shape of a hand. When I was done examining myself we started to walk again.

"So what are you going to do now?" Kakashi asked me.

"About what?"

"About Orochimaru."

"Just wait until he makes his move then I'll fight him."

It felt awkward talking to him again; it's been so long since we've talked. Even with me being off duty for now, we haven't seen each other. He's been busy with his team and their missions.

"A wise choice. So do you still take pictures?"

"Yeah, even though I was on mission I had some free time and snapped some pictures of you guys; you didn't even notice."

"I see, so you couldn't completely isolate yourself from us."

"Of course I couldn't; I love you guys." I then looked down at the ground. "I was too afraid to approach anyone. I was glad a few of you knew I was still alive and remembered me."

"We could never forget you Izuka, you're so friendly and strong."

"Even though I was always busy I looked out for Naruto and Sasuke."

"Well you did a good job of raising them." He said with his famous smile.

"I guess I did."

"Will you be able to tell me about the mission you were on?"

"I can't, but I will say. You were in a similar situation in the past."

We walked in silence enjoying each other's company. We walked around some more until Kakashi had to go. As I was walking I saw the sand ninja wondering as well. I examined them and saw that the one with red hair didn't have any scratches or marks on him, but is teammates did. They examined me noticing that I was covered in blood and dirt. The older teammates had fear on their faces but the younger one looked indifferent.

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