As I looked at her, pain rose and caught in my throat. Just last night, I overheard her saying that she was going to reject me. That she wouldn't want to be with me. Even if I was her mate. Then this morning I just had to go and mark her. I was mad. Mad that I would be loosing her. Yeah, I've only known her for a couple of days. But she kind of grew on me. I knew the instant when I saw her, that I loved her. I really do.

She stirred slightly and looked up at me. She had a worried look on her face when she sat up. "Are you okay?" She asked. I gave her a look. "Ya. Why?" I lied and asked. Getting up from the couch, she stalked over to me and slid onto my lap. "You're crying." She touched my cheek to wipe away what I'm guessing were tears. I grabbed her hand and ran my thumb along the back of it. "I'm fine." I told her, giving a reassuring smile.

She didn't seem to believe it. "Quinn tell me." Lightly and gently she planted a kiss on my lips. I grabbed her waist and pressed her into me. I adjusted her onto my lap and grabbed the plate with the sandwich. "Here. You need to eat." I told her quietly as I handed her the plate. Taking it, she eyed the sandwich and pushed it back into my hand. "I don't want it. I'm not hungry." She mumbled but I just handed it back to her. "I don't care. It's almost one in the afternoon and you haven't eaten since last night. And you barely ate anything last night." I told her.

She shook her head no. "I don't want it. You can't make me eat." She said and slid off my lap and went back over to the couch. "Isabella, please. Eat." I told her. She shook her head no. "I want to starve." She growled at me. "You know what, fine." I set the plate down and stalked off outside.

Isabella's point of view

My stomach twisted and turned. Quinn was trying to feed me but I didn't want anything to do with food. "Isabella, please. Eat." He pleaded. But I just shook my head no. "I want to starve." I growled at him. I didn't want food, I don't want food, I'll never want food and that is that.

He almost slammed the plate down. "You know what, fine." He said and stalked off outside. "Fine." I called after him. Ryan came out two seconds later, showered and changed. "What were you married couple fighting about this time?" She teased. "He wanted me to eat. But I'm not hungry." I mumbled. She sat next to me and grabbing the plate all in one motion. "He's right. I know you didn't eat barely half of your plate last night at the dinner and didn't eat any breakfast because you were sound asleep in my bed until eleven and you and lover boy were doing whatever in the woods until almost twelve thirty." She said.

She shoved the plate into my hands. "Quinn made this for you so you are going to sit here and eat it until it's all gone. Every piece of it. I will force whatever crumbs down your throat if I have to." She told me sternly and sat there, looking at me, waiting for me to bite into the sandwich. But I truly wasn't hungry. Just looking at the sandwich made me nauseated and want to barf. But I just shoved a corner of a half into my mouth and chewed on it. It was a ham sandwich with cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce.

I finished one half and tried giving the plate back to Ryan. "Done." I said and tried pushing it in her hands but she wouldn't take it. "No, Isabella. Eat the rest of it. As I said. I will shove it down your throat." She told me. Sighing, I ate the other half. "There. Done." I mumbled with a mouthful of food. She nodded and took the plate away from me.

Alec stalked into the room from wherever he came from and wrapped his arms around Ryan. "Good afternoon, lovelies." He said as he kissed the side of her head and looked up at me to give me a wink. "Hey babe." She smiled up at him. They were so perfect together. They're just like Val and Frankie.

Val and Frankie.. What am I going to tell them? That I can't go back to Wildwood? That I was marked and officially mated with the beta of Black Bird? I sighed. "I think I'm going to go take a shower." I mumbled and stood up. "Here. I actually made you some clothes." She said and led me to her bedroom.

She handed me a pair of light blue shorts and a matching t-shirt. "And here." She said as she put a pair of undies on top of the clothes. "Feel free to use my shower." She said and walked out of the room and closed the door.

I took a quick shower and changed. I never wanted to be out of pajamas faster than I wanted to be out of his. I walked out of Ryan's room and threw the pajamas into Quinn's room before I decided to walk to the door and down the stairs that led to the cells. I looked at everyone in the cells. They were all dirty and their hair a mess. One lady, who was probably in her fifties looked up at me. "Please help us." She called out to me. "I will. I promise I'll do my best to get you out of here." I told her.

Before she answered, I walked down to Val's cell and quickly unlocked it with the key in the cabinet. She looked up at me. Her face seemed a whole lot thinner. Which means they aren't feeding them. "Oh Val." I cried as I hugged her. "I'm so sorry this is happening to you." I hiccuped. She wrapped her arms around me and nuzzled her face into my neck. "Don't be upset." She told me. "I have to tell you something." I sniffled and pulled back. "Once you guys get out of here, I can't come with you." I told her.

Her eyes widened. "What? You have to come back with us. Please Iz." She said. Tears brimmed her eyes. I wiped them away. "I have to stay. I have to be here with Quinn." I told her. She shook her head no. "I know you wanted a mate but... What about Frankie? What about me? You can be happy with us." She cried. I shook my head but that caused the mark to hurt. "Please Iz. I want you to be with us. We're your family. Not him." She hiccuped. "I'm sorry." I told her as I pulled my collar away from my neck. She gasped as she saw the mark. "Iz..." "I'm sorry Val. But he just marked me this morning. I couldn't stop him from doing it. We mated. It's all over with." I told her.

She turned her head from me. "Val, don't be this way." I cried and grabbed her hand. But she just pulled it away from me. "Get out of my face, Isabella." She spat. She turned her head back to look at me. "You aren't my best friend OR my sister."

My Mate's The Beta (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now