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What up guys. So this is my second book and I think this one is not for innocent minds so please refrain from reading if you have an innocent mind.

And we begin in...


The next morning I woke up to my mom's singing and Emma humming along. That's a first.

I got up from the bed and stretched my limbs, I took a pair of black jeans a grey button up and my red Converse and took a shower be for heading to the kitchen.

As I neared the kitchen our house phone ringed, my mom picked it up and talked for awhile before putting it down with a breathless sigh.

"Who was that?" I asked as I hugged her, trying to comfort her.

"That, my dear, was the oh so royal VK?"

I stared at her in confusion.

"The vampire King." She said with a hint of frustration.

I nodded and moved to the kitchen, "What did he say?" I asked.

"He said we should start packing, we will be picked up at twelve this afternoon."

I looked at the clock on the kitchen wall and saw we had three hours till twelve o'clock.

I got my self a bowl and poured some CoCo Puffs and milk in and sat in the bedroom to finish breakfast.

After breakfast, mom was already done packing Emma's clothes since she has like a fourth if the closet.

I started to pack my stuff, all my jeans, and skirts first, then my shirts and button ups, next my socks and undergarments. My shoes on My consist of the ones I have on and my flat black pumps.

After packing my clothes I put in my tooth brush my shampoo and conditioner and my wash cloth.

We had about and hour and a half when Mon was done packing her stuff, so I helped her pack all my dad's valuable items in a box, she gave me his ring, his silver chain, her ring and her first wedding anniversary gift she got from him.

We waited a bout another half an our than the was a knock on the door, I went and opened it with mom right beside me and Emma behind her.

"Mrs Rosenna Peters, miss Arizona Peters and miss Emma Peters, my name is Rodriguez, James Rodriguez, I am here to escort you to your new homes."

Mom stepped away for the door and so did I, two buff guys in black walked past james and into the, they came out carrying our stuff. They stuffed our luggage into a black mini van and drive off, weirdos.

"Follow me m, please." James said to my mom and Emma. "Miss Arizona, you will be honing with my colleague, Marian.

A middle aged woman stepped out of a silver Limo. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair, shocking grey eyes and about my mom's length.

Why these people always where black, is it like a fashion rule 101?

Just look at this woman, black blazer, tank top, knee high skirt and heels, all black.

I nodded, and walked over to what's her face. She gave me a polite smile before getting back into the vehicle with me right behind her, but before I could, I turned around a waved at my mom a last time before disappearing into me car.

The drive to Big Black (that's the name I decide to give the castle) was silent, I looked out the window and thought about what will happen when I arrive at my destination.

Will the VK be as calm as he was yesterday, or would he be a ruthless monster like everyone says.

Well it is time to find out.

The drive took about seven minutes. The car came to a halt and the door on my side opens.

The butler that opened the door yesterday, opened my door and offered his hand to help me get out of the limo.

"Your stuff as already arrived, miss." He says with a little British accent.

"Please, call me Arizona." I said to the butler, feeling a little uneasy with all the formal language.

He nodded with a small smile as he led me to the front doors of Big Black.

As we walked through the front foyer of the house I scanned the painting hanging there, out of all the painting there, only one caught my attention, it was a purple and gold rose, in a glass jar capsule, underneath it stood 'for the one who holds my heart'.

We walked into this huge living room, or some thing like that. A glass coffee table in the middle, surrounded by red and black couches on each side, a camel sofa on the far left side and a love seat on the far right. The chandelier in the middle was the only sores of light in this front side.

We moved further into the castle and ended in at the room VK and I had our first meeting.

"The King will be hear shortly, make yourself comfortable." Said tell butler.

"Hey, before you go, what's your name?" I asked him

"My name us Ronan, call me Roy, young one." He said before exiting the meeting hall.

I named it that by the way.

I walked around the hall and took in everything around me.

The large table, the chairs, the grey walls, the egg shell marble floors, this guy must really love marble.

The door boomed open and in walked the Greek god.

"Ah, Mon katton, how are you?" He asked.

"I, your greatness, am fine." I said in a mock Italian accent.

He smirked at me and offered me a seat at his great table.

I took a seat next to his with a sigh.

"So, royal highness, is there anything I should know about what happened in this house?"

I asked in a monotone.

"Well, dear, you should know this, one- there is no rules in this house, two- when I have guests, you will stay in the room, three- you can roam as much around the house and garden, bit don't go outside that gate, four- the house is yours just as it is mine and five- you will share a room with me." He said that with a satisfied smirk.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, Mon katton."

"Will I be able to see me family, once in awhile?"

"Only when I feel like it."

I nodded, that seems fair.

"Oh and sugar plum, you will follow my sleep system."

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