Chapter 2

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Alesha's POV

I really want to slap that Michaela one across the head. She is a perv. Shes just staring at my top like For God's sake. Jealous much?? Its been one week since they moved in and she is soo not getting of well at school. I just told everyone that I was forced to live with her. I laughed when she had no-one to sit beside at lunch so she sat on her own like a loner I mean THE LONER she is and always will be. Shes only made one friend and she doesnt even sit with her so she can save herself from the embarresment. I mean who would sit with her, She pushed Addi and covered up with her puney voice saying it was just an accident. Accident yeaah but I saw her giving evil eyes to Addi because Addi poured her water on Michaela's head. It was totally HILARE!! I thought I was going to pee myself and all she could say back was 'you think your cool' and everyone started laughing and  I mean EVERYONE ! How pathetic was that!! Addi gave me an are-you-serious look and I gave her a tell-me-about-it look. I almost killed that witch alive, Now just because she was my 'step-sister' (the word sickens me) my reputation would fall down for her. Eh NOO! I dont think so. She can go cry to her daddy but Im not listening to that Bald-headed-falconed eyed, round-face, wrinkled face(someone didn't exfoliate) STEP-DAD! I dont even call him Dad. I call him Mutt and when he looks at me in a fake worried face, I pull a digusted face and say ohh soz Matt. I even do it with Michaela I call her my football because shes soo round and so close to the ground, it would actually be possible for someone to kick her.

Sorry for the short Chapter and just 1 POV but I really need to sleep and I wanted to give you two chapters so you'll be happy. I promise I will upload more soon.

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