Lyla smirked, “Weak?” She pressed down onto his shoulder and Lance screamed.


“Weak?!” Lyla shouted.


Lance tried to break loose but Lyla pressed down even harder. Finally I heard a thud and saw Lance struggling with all his strength. At this point, he was screaming, his right arm became totally limp.


“L-let me go!” He yelped. The Lance I knew completely changed; he looked so weak and hopeless against Lyla.


Lyla grinned in a creepy way, “Does it hurt? Well, that’s not all…”


She grabbed onto his left arm and yanked on it, after taking it out of his socket, something horrifying happened. Lyla went ahead and ripped his arm right off. My eyes flew open and my heart started racing.


Lance screamed, “You ripped my arm off! You filthy-”


Lyla threw his bloody arm to the side and leaned in, “Shh, do you want a quick sudden death, or a slow painful one?”


Lance looked confused, “What-”


Lyla suddenly raised her arm into the air then aimed straight for his neck,


“Lyla stop!” I shouted. What was going on?! Why was she doing this?!


It was too late, she penetrated his neck with her bare hand. She looked disturbingly amused and a creepy grin was spread across her face.


She chuckled and pulled up a handful of bloody flesh, “Bye bye Lance!”


I slowly stood up, what in the world was wrong with her? To be honest, I was terrified of her.


Her eyes suddenly turned into their normal golden brown color and she looked terrified herself.

She quickly pulled off the bloody skin that was clinging onto her hands and arm, “Oh my god, what did I do…” Her voice was shaky. She looked surprised, as is she completely forgot about the little incident.


My chest was still bleeding as I slowly walked over, “D-do you remember what happened?”


Lyla looked up at me and I flinched, “A-are you scared of me? I swear I didn’t want this to happen! I-I just got so angry, I couldn’t control my anger and-”


I just stared at her. Her arms and body were covered in blood. I jerked my head up when I heard Faylinn shout,




I glanced around, “W-we’re over here!”


My heart was still throbbing to the point it hurt, “Lyla…”

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