Fun fun fun...

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"Hey. Acre. You have school today." I groan at the voice. Ugh. I know exactly who it is.

"Kurt. Good evening. Please wake me up when the sun is up. Or even not at all, thanks." I mumble

"Come on, you need to go. You really need to go. I'll pick out your clothes..." I can hear him smirk. I put on my habitual attitude, childish and cute.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I jump out of bed and push him out of the room screaming, "I'M UP! I'M UP!" I quickly pick some soft, gray, full-length leggings. I pull off my light sweatshirt and pull on a big, black sweater. I put on my glasses because i know that Kurt's going to make me drive, and i need to see the street signs and lights.

"Hurry up!" both men yell to me

"I'm coming! Sheesh!" I place an annoyed smile on my face and exit my room. Kurt giggles when he sees my glasses.

"You don't even know the way there. I'm not making you drive." he gets a fit of laughter

"Oh." I grin and awkwardly position my bag (which i placed on my back as i left my room) so that I can reach the back pouch where my glasses case is. I take it out, juggling it and my glasses and my backpack, after a minute i sucessfully have them put away.

"Thanks for the help" I stick out my tongue at them as I strut out the door. Kurt follows me to the car, and beeps it so that it unlocks. I open my door, and he gets in the driver's side. We drive quickly, singing along to the radio. Oh I love Green Day. Suddenly, a Beiber song comes on and I cringe

"EWW!!!!" I turn the radio off.

"That one wasn't that bad Acre. Calm down."

"Uh yes it was. He sucks" i giggle. Before he can retort, we're in a parking spot and I'm out of the car.

"Wait up! I need to give you a tour!" He stops in his tracks. "I recommend someone else should give you one actually... I'm the only openly gay person at this school. I don't want you to get bullied...." his voice becomes soft and pained. I hug him tight.

"Ooops... People have seen me hugging you. I guess you'll have to walk with me" I smirk and pat his head

"Smartass" he sticks his tongue out at me, I return the gesture.

"Who's this Kurt?" A boy asks. Damn his hair is fake. But his lips... holy shit they're perfect what the fuck....  I get shocked back into the real world when the bell rings. Blondie doesn't get an answer to his question about the odd girl with long black (also dyed) hair. We're kin, people who dye their hair; or at least I think so.

"We have all the same classes, so just follow me to first period" Kurt smiles

"Kay" I walk behind him like a shadow. No one looks at me, and I don't want anyone to. If he gets bullied I can't even imagine what a cutter will have done to them. I start to hyperventilate. Oh shit. Panic attack. Fuck. All I can think is worry, but I dig my nails into my palm. My soft skin breaks just a bit, and I'm calm again. I grip my sleeves to my palms, black is perfect for this; no one will notice.

In class, my fourth period to be exact, my hands are finally dry. Right when the bell rings I run to the bathroom; I'm clean and covered before anyone enters. I go back to the classroom to find Kurt waiting.

"You really had to go, whoa" he chuckles. I nod, laughing with him. We sit around with some of his friends from a club. They seem nice, but I stay quiet after introductions.

"Acre... Come to earth" Kurt waves his hand in front of my face. I become fixated on it. It's so clean and unmarred by anything. I blink, then look at him slowly

"Sorry, what was that?" I sheepishly smile

"Sam asked why you don't have an aussie accent," before I can ask who, he points to blondie. Oh, the guy who asked my name earlier.

"Because I only lived there for a month. I was raised here. My parents died. I lived in an orphanage for a year, then i got adopted. After a month my new mom died and I got shipped back to the states. Any more questions?" I sigh. Bringing up the orphaned twice thing always stops conversation and the dreaded questions. No one knows about my past other than the dead that reside in it.

SECRETS (formerly: "I'm a Creep" glee fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now