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dedicated to ultracal because i am in love with bridesmaid. like mech and luke kind of love.

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Abigail just woke up, lightly scratching her eyes and running a hand through her knotted blonde lump on her head. She had fallen asleep writing, her glasses haphazardly placed on her nose. She was surprised; she hasn't fallen asleep with a pen in her hand for a while. Being an avid reader and writer was what Abigail used to be, but recently she had horrible writers block and the only desire she had was to see how many episodes of American Horror Story she could fit into a day.

She climbed out, walking out her bedroom and into the small kitchen she had come to love. It was tiny, but homey with the dark chocolate cabinets and dark, smooth counters. It reminded her of her mother's much larger kitchen in Minnesota.

Grabbing a box of the only cereal she ever ate, Lucky Charms, she poured herself a bowl. She pulled out the drawer by the fridge and grabbed a spoon, going to sit down on her couch. She clicked the television on, flipping channels until she landed on her favorite music station. She turned it up, knowing it would annoy her asshole of a neighbor next door and downed the last of her milk in the ceramic bowl. She was prepared to take a shower and go out today, feeling much better since her writing escapade last night, but she heard the opening chords of a song she knew much too well.

She Looks So Perfect. Arguably, one of his biggest songs, and every time she heard it she couldn't help but think of the time he bought her some American Apparel underwear and red lipstick, just to make a bad joke. He always did stuff like that; buying her stupid little gifts that most girls would scoff or laugh at. Abigail thought they were sweet, though, and in the back of her closet was a box of all the little goodies he bought her, hidden with the rest of her skeletons. 

She turned and her eyes were immediately drawn to him. He was doing the leg thing that drove her crazy whenever she went to a concert, and the lighting made his eyes look just that much bluer. She had to give him credit for this video; seventeen year old Luke was prime time for Luke Hemmings. When she finally found out who he was, she was surprised she had never listened to them, and she was mad at herself. They were amazing, and it had the bittersweet feeling of when you find a band and they've been around for awhile. You were stoked you found them, but upset because you didn't have the music sooner. 

As soon as the final chords were strummed, she shut the television off quickly. She ran a hand over her tired face, sighing into her palm. That hurt like a bitch.

She decided that her run to the store could wait and immediately went back into her room, picking up the tattered journal and pen from last night. She opened up to a new, blank page, and brought the ink to her page, her squished, compact writing beginning to fill the page.

Chapter Two: Sometimes I'm Cool

If I had known that you would have taken so much effort and time into helping me pick at the coat you offered me, I never would have said yes. But, your insistence and cute smile won me over, and I was quite sad about the giant mud stain I would never be able to get out on my elbow, so I went. We were in New York City, so it was easy to find a small little place that sold leather jackets. Even though I'm certain the store you dragged me to was just by chance, you walked in with such confidence that it seemed you were there everyday. You scoured the racks, and I was very uncomfortable. I noticed a navy blue one sitting in the corner of the store and strolled over. I tried to nonchalantly check the price tag, but subtlety and I do not mix. I had managed to knock the mannequin over and I know I had the most horrified expression on my face. You glanced up, just to see the ruckus, and turned back to the rows of coats in front of you before looking back. 

chapters → luke hemmingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant