Save Me

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(Beccas outfit in external link)

Ashton POV

I pull up to the house, opening Samantha's car door for her after shutting mine. Her hand finds her bandaged face, squinting her eyes slightly. "If she dented my nose, she's paying for a new one." Sam snaps, slamming the door shut with her free hand before linking it with one of mine.

I open the front door, the darkness of night spreading through the house. We walk into the lounge where the faint light of the television shows everyone out cold on the couches. Michael is laying on Cals lap, Cals head is on Beccas butt and Beccas body is resting on Lukes chest.

One of our old horror movies is splayed across the tv, the volume all the way down, remote in Lukes hand. Samantha slams the door behind us, sending Calum and Michael toppling to the floor with a thud. "What the fuck was that for?" Michael snaps at Samantha.

"I was just shutting the door, god no need to be so mean to me!" She mewls, pouting her bottom lip a bit before holding the bridge of her broken nose, breathing deeply. "Ashy, I'm hurt and your friends arent even being nice to me."

I shrug, noticing Beccas eyes fluttering open, a soft smile on her features. The smile quickly dissapears as she sees Samantha clutching my arm, shaking sightly. "Would you shut your girlfriend up? I'm trying to sleep." Calum grunts, standing before trudging upstairs with Michael.

"Rude." Sam breathes, making that snobby face she usually does with her broken nose pointing into the air. Luke coughs, waking up a bit, his hand gliding through his hair before making its way back to Beccas waist.

"I'm trying to sleep." He says in a gruff voice, crinkling his nose slightly. Becca sighs, placing her head back on Lukes chest, his hands running through her long hair down her sides. Samantha looks up at me, cocking an eyebrow.

I nod upstairs, starting to walk until i realize she isnt moving. I motion my hands, looking up the steps to my bedroom. "No, not until she leaves the house Ashy." My jaw drops slightly, Lukes head snapping up from the couch.

Becca shakes her head, standing up to her small height, inspecting her bandaged knuckles. "You know, I could go for a few more rounds until my knuckles actually break. Wanna see?" Samantha scurries behind me, my facial expression turning hard.

"Stop it Becca." I scoff, placing a hand on Samanthas arm. The blue haired girl chuckles, nodding sarcastically before pecking Lukes cheek and walking out of the house. Luke jumps up quickly, grabbing his phone from the table and jogging after her.

"Good, now lets go to bed baby." She says, trying to sound sexy but failing at it extreamly horribly. Sighing, i lead her up the staircase, turning the corner into my bedroom, shutting the door with my foot behind me.

Calum POV

Walking downstairs, i smell pancakes and bacon from the kitchen. Immediatly i rush in, seeing Becca and Luke cooking, his unbuttoned shirt slung over her small body. Theyre singing along to Heres Your Freakin' Song by Bowling For Soup.

The music blasts through the ihome speaker as i take my seat at the breakfast bar, awaiting my bacon. Becca turns and smiles at me, handing me a cup of coffee before resuming her pancake flipping. "You talk too much, you never shut up. Everything i do for you is never enough" She hums.

"You snore, you drool, you talk in your sleep. Wont get a nights rest until your six feet deep. I promised you forever but we both know, we're never gonna get along." Luke belts out, flipping some bacon onto a plate next to the stove, his hand slipping to Beccas waist.

"You want it, you got it, heres your freakin' song!" I finish the chorus, chuckling as Luke tosses me a piece of bacon. Michael walks down, his hair messy as ever as he plops into the chair next to me, giggling at Becca who is currently making Luke spin her around.

He dips her down, pecking her nose before pulling her back up, taking all the bacon off of the stove. She finishes the pacakes, piling them onto plates before dispersing them around to us. I dig in, moaning at the delicious flavor in my mouth.

Ashton walks down the stairs, bandana wrapped around his head while Samantha is behind him, her face still bandaged up. "And all my homies, have always said, what you doing with that girl? Shes fucked up in the head!" Becca sings, stealing a piece of Mikeys bacon.

"My mom dont like you, my dad dont too. And my brother says you look like a - Oh, morning Ashton." I say, pausing from singing. Sam cringes slgihtly, walking over to fuck with Beccas phone thats on the iHome.

"Get your grimy hands away from my phone." Becca seethes, standing up from the counter. Samantha pulls her hands away, looking horrified at Beccas words. The brunette backs up into Ashtons chest, clambering to him.

"Could you put some pants on." Samantha gasps, noticing becca is in her bed wear. "And maybe button up that shirt. God, youre just asking to get fucked arent you." Becca sputters out her coffee, blinking slightly before pointing to her face.

"I'll send you back to the hospital, shut the fuck up. I can wear what i want, it has nothing to do with my personality." Ashton rolls his eyes, grabbing two cups from the cupboard to fill with coffee. Samantha sits down at an empty chair, right across from Becca.

Bec hops up on the counter, sitting criss crossed with her plate on her legs. "Youre not even supposed to be here." Samantha snickers to herself, not as quietly as she probably thought she was.

The blue haired girl just nods, sighing. "I'm done, honestly. You win, I dont want to deal with your shit anymore. I'm out." Becca says, tossing her plate into the sink before walking out the front door, slamming it behind her.

"Finally, I thought she would never leave." Samantha sighs, going to grab some pancakes from the plate. Mikey snags the plate, tugging it away from Samantha as she gasps, reaching for it again. He pulls it again, picking it up and walking out of the house.

Luke follows, throwing a dirty look at Ashton who is cowarding by the fridge. "She did nothing to you, ever. She made Ashton ask you out! You should be thanking her god damnit!" I scream, knocking my cup of coffee over, spilling on her lap.

"I'm sorry I dont want my boyfriend associating with sluts! It is her decision to leave! I didnt make her go, plus, I shouldve called the cops on her for last night!" I shake my head, breathing heavily before standing, knocking my chair to the ground.

"You know what? I was neutral to you because Ashton is my best friend. But you've changed him and he isnt the same guy he was two months ago. Hes not my best friend anymore." I state, turning my glance to Ashton.

He has his head in his hands, leaning his elbows against the countertop. "He's better than he was two months ago. We love eachother, he told me. If you dont like who he is, you dont deserve him as a friend!"

"I liked him how he was before! WHAT DO YOU NOT FUCKING UNDERSTAND? It honestly seems like youre heads too far up Beccas ass to realize that Ashton isnt the same anymore and youre dragging him down!" With that i turn and storm out the front door, ending up at Beccas house.

I open the front door, walking up to her bedroom where shes laying on her back, tearing pancake off and popping it in her mouth. Mikey sighs at me, patting the place next to him on the large bed. Annie runs in, holding a bottle of medicine in one hand and a cup of water in the other.

"Hey baby." Becca coos, taking one of the pills, probably tylenol then kissing her cheek. "Where are the twins?" Annie pauses, placing the bottle on Beccas night stand.

"Mom took them out to get physicals, she said theyll be back around 3. Cams sleeping in his room and dad - I mean, Andrew, is in his office." The young girl informs, giving us a small smile at us before walking out of the room.

Luke snuggles into Beccas side, tapping his rough fingers against her hip bones. "Cuddling isnt very punk rock of you Luke." She giggles, moving closer into his body before laying her feet on my lap. MIkey lays his head on her thighs, eating the last pancake.

"Im hardcore, asshole." He laughs, pulling her tighter to his side as i play with her chuck laces. "If i was hardcore I would still cuddle you anyways." Becca 'awes' playfully pushing him as mikey starts snoring.

She's Into Drummers [Ashton Irwin]Where stories live. Discover now