Chapter 20 - Let Me Think

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One thing Hermione remembered well was that exact moment  where Draco stared at her and said he wanted to marry her. She also remembered how she hadn't given a straight answer.

"So" he said hopefully, but Hermione babbled and stumbled quite a lot. Someone shouted Hermione's name out from the corridor. Draco hid and Hermione slowly slipped out the cuboard and came face to face with Gregg.

"Why were you in there?" Gregg asked. "Oh i though I needed some gloves, but I don't." Hermione replied with a grin. After they both walked away and Draco slipped out later from the cupboard, Hermione glaced back and saw Draco walk around the corner and dissapear. She'd gone the whole day thinking about what he'd said, what her reply should be. But she couldn't think her way around this. There were problems and factors to consider. And her own feelings. How'd she feel marrying a man that left her for a break. 

She'd worried about facing him at the Burrow but Draco had left and gone back to his house. It makes things easier but she couldn't stay quiet for long. She'd have to answer soon. With a 'Yes', the situation would be ok, they'd hug, maybe kiss and felt like it was the happiest moment ever. With a 'No' needs to come and explanation and apology. And it'd hurt Draco, she couldn't do that.

Hermione sat with Ginny in their room. Ginny sat reading the Quibbler and put on some weird glasses that came with the magazine. Hermione sat on her bed, deep in thought and fiddling with her fizzy, wild hair.

"You look troubled." said Ginny and Hermione replied with a mumble. "What's wrong?" she asked and Hermione sat up. She cleared her throught and said in a whisper, "Draco kind of asked me to marry him.".

Ginny dropped the magazine and the funny glasses fell from her head to the tip of her nose.

"You are joking, right?! he asked you to marry him?" Then Ginny squealed and sat on Hermione's bed, grinning. "What's your answer?".

"I don't know yet? I need to think."

"Well if you really love him, you wouldn't need that long to think about it. You finished school 5 years ago. You're 22, you're ready to get married, get settled, have kids and you and Draco will be able to provide for them. You're both smart in different ways and you both have your different but valuable qualities. Together you'd be amazing."

"It's not that easy, Ginny."

"But what do you think?"

Hermione didn't answer Ginny and fell asleep with that one question lingering in her head. She didn't sleep well. She dreamt about Draco. They were both running, running from the green smoke. Then Draco yelled at Hermione and she fell, only finding herself in an impossible maze. She saw no way out. Then she heard Draco's voice echo around her. 'Hoping you'd marry me, hoping you'd marry me' serveral times that she covered her ears and screamed.

Hermione woke with a start, dripping in cold sweat and breathing like she'd ran a marathon. Ginny stirred and gumbled but didn't wake. Hermione had to talk to Harry and Ron. 2 years ago she'd learnt that keeping any secret from them would, one: annoy them and two: be no good to hide, when she needed their help.

Hermione walked over the landing and across to Harry and Ron's room. To her surpise they were both awake, chatting casually.

"Hey" they both said in unision and Hermione smiled, joining them.

"I need to tell you something. Something you won't like, but I need you to give your opinion and how you feel about this."

"Oh uh, this'll be bad." said Ron.

"What is it?" asked Harry.

Hermione had surely stopped breathing and just burst out saying it without any thought. "Draco asked me to marry him."

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