Chapter 5 - Demon Dome

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Hermione left the lving room in a rush, she kept walking down the hall of Malfoy Manor. The house was creepy, you could hear noises, smell dust and it was pitch black. Hermione walked into a little table with a vase. He caught it in time before it fell and sighed. She was still having seconds thoughts about staying.

Not only when a green glowing came from a room instantly caught her eye. The room door was ajar and this creepy glow lit the room. Hermione sub-conciously walked closer, she felt scared yet a warm glow inside. It was the first light in the house she'd seen in ages. The door creaked as she opened it furthur, and there it was in the middle of the room. A huge crystal dome standing on a stone pillar. It was like there was fog and mist trapped in the dome trying to escape into the open air. Hermione walked in, closer and closer she went. Whispers started to grow louder, the fog inside the dome took shapes of faces, faces that were screaming. Hermione's mouth fell open in the shape of an 'O'.

It screamed and she backed away, her heart pounded.

"What are you doing here?" came a familiar voice from behind her.

Hermione turned and gulped, "i didn't mean to wander in but...but what is that?" she asked pointing at the glowing dome.

Draco walked closer to the dome, "It's....the house, everything the house is and was is trapped in there" he said.

"Huh?" said Hermione.

"It's the house, all evil, all good there, you destroy that, the house goes down with it" he explained.

"You shouldn't get too close"

Hermione stared at the floor. Draco looked up at her?

"Are you okay staying here? What happened back there? You nearly fainted." he said.

Hermione blushed, she didn't realise how bad it was, she couldn't think, it was the first time she nearly collapsed. "Oh I'm fine" she assured him.

Arrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhh, coooome now....

"Did you here that?" asked Hermione, she looked around, she heard a screeching scream and she sure it wasn't the dorm. It came from around her.

"No...what's wrong with you Granger? he smirked "There wasn't a scream, maybe you staying here isn't a good idea, it's bad for you"

"No, I have to....I mean...I can't go home" she stuttered not making much sense.


Another scream erupted around the house, but this time Draco heard and jumped, so did Hermione. She panicked but Draco ran and Hermione followed.

They ran up two flights of stairs and the screaming continued. It pierced through Hermione's ears as she entered Narcissa's bedroom.

She was screaming, her eyes wide open and she screamed at the top of her voice.

"We have to calm her down!" yelled Draco over his mothers screaming. "Granger help!"

Hermione saw a draw top full of potions, she looked through them rapidly. "Sleeping potions" she said under her breath and ran to Draco. "There, give her some of this" she instructed Draco.

A few moments later, the screaming died down. Narcissa was breathing heavily in her sleep.

"Thanks Granger" he said and stepped away from the bed.

Hermione walked out and Draco did the same shutting the door after him. Hermione was sure she saw tears in Draco's eyes. He looked like her wanted to break down a cry.

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