Reader X Marco: Misunderstanding Pt1

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Warning: reader-chan is pretty dang salty in this one and Marco's a bit of a jerk...hey, I can't make all my characters pure cinnamon rolls.


This was the most important moment of your life! But you just couldn't decide how to do it, or even how to pull it off! Marco was always too damn perceptive for anything to ever work, but this time, you were filled to the brink with determination.

"What if we stuff all the party crackers with sea water? So then Marco gets soaked!" You turned to Ace and looked at him as if he was the stupidest human being ever, "Ace you have a devil fruit too! Remember? Plus, for the record that ain't funny either" how were you and Ace supposed to pull off the best wedding prank on Marco if you didn't know anything!

The oversized chicken just up and announced to the whole crew that he was getting married on Friday and wouldn't tell anyone about who it was with or nothing, all he said was, "all you need to know is that she knows who she is and I'm sure she's excited about this as well" and that had you fuming!

Not only were you and Marco best friends, but you had the longest time crush on him, but NOOOOO, not only does the pig head refuse to realize that you've only pranked him to get his attention, but he up and goes and finds another woman!! Like what the heck!?

Marco has never spoke of another girl! And you and him had the closest relationship ever since you made the crew! And after all your years of work in trying to get close to him he just falls for another girl who didn't even put in any effort!? No way!

You were going to have your vengeance! You were going to show him what he missed out on! You were going to humiliate him in front of the crew and his fiancee! YOU WERE GOING TO SHOW HIM WHAT A PATHETIC MAN HE WAS AND LAUGH!!!

You let out another bitter snicker as you continued to slave over the messy work table, and without you or Ace noticing, you were being watched from the porthole.

Izo, Haruta and Thatch all watched you with concerned gazes, they all knew about your big crush and the also knew how the announcement hurt you, in fact Ace was actually there just to keep you from doing anything too vengeful, but keeping Izo in check was also another problem.

"Augggh! I just wanna stomp out of here and go tell Marco whats-what, (Y/N) has been fighting for him tooth and nail from the first moment they met and now this!? I'm gonna kill him!"

Thatch only gruffly bit his lip, "as much as I want to agree with you...we can't force Marco to just end his plans and fall for (Y/N), besides, that'd completely humiliate her" he was just the worried big brother that didn't want to take either of his sibling's sides and make the other feel betrayed.

"Well what can we do?" Haruta sighed, Thatch took another glance at you, ever since the announcement you've stopped eating as much as you used to and refused to sleep over thinking up revenge plots, "I'm..I'm gonna go tell pops"

Izo gasped in panic and Haruta barely missed the door when he tried to stop Thatch from leaving, but the cook already slipped through the door and marched down the hall to pop's room, both Izo and Haruta were left behind and stiff with fear, this wasn't going to end all.


"Pops?" Thatch knocked on the door to only be met with a brief grunt of permission, and not to hesitate for a moment in fear he might lose his cool the brunette slipped in.

Whitebeard took a worrisome gulp from his gigantic flask that he always kept hidden from the nurses and glanced down at the intruder who interrupted his sleep, "ah, Thatchy boy? What are you doing here so late at night?"

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