Chapter 14 - Dress shopping

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Her p.o.v.

So here it is the 2 weeks before the wedding. 

Why the hell am I so nervous? And he seems fine.

Mom is in town and were going dress shopping today.

"So..what were you thinking about going with? A pants suit?A dress? Or have no idea yet?" Renee asked me getting into the limo to go to the bridal shop.

"You know..I really haven't thought about it. Something simple since it's just you guys and us." I say.

"You have to get something nice. Elegant,sophisticated, and your life with him is. Ohh and don't forget blue. Something blue."she told me.

"How bout purple?"

"Well I guess that makes sence..sence the man loves that color. As I assume you do as well?"

"Of course mom." I chuckled.

As we arrive and get's seems to be empty except for the 2 people standing outside waiting for us. As we get out of the limo. I noticed how no cars were in the parking lot but a few.

"I guess he bought it out so we wouldn't be bothered. He does that's nice. You'll get used to it." I told her nodding and smiling.

That's what im afraid of

"Hello ladies..welcome." the one lady says opening the door.

"Everything here is for you to look at and chose for your big day. May I ask who is getting married?"

"I am." I smiled as we walk into the huge store filled with all types of wedding dresses and other dresses.

"Ah yes. Michelle. Prince has told us much about you and has picked out some ideas for you to take a look at." she explains.

"Oh he did..did he?" I asked chuckling.

The woman helped me put on the dresses he chose for me. And one by one I tried them on.

"Oh excuse me. There is a note here from him to you." the woman says handing it to me.

I take it.. and read it..

My love,
Please enjoy your special day..I've taken the pleasure of picking out some things I'd like you to consider. Please try them on. I will be excited to see you in whatever you chose. Till later my love.

Your Prince💜

I had tears in my eyes.
I walk over to the racks of stuff he has picked out. My mother sits in the chairs infront of the mirrors. 

I go to try the first one on and come out infront of the mirrors.

Still crying standing and looking at myself.

"Why are you crying?"  mother asked confused.

"He left me a note..and it wasn't expected. He also does this often to spice things up and make it more romantic. He gets me every single time. He's so thoughtful." I explained.

"That's sweet honey."my mother said looking at me in the mirrors.

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