"Fi fine," I stuttered, looking quizzically at Eric not realizing until that moment that I was still holding his hand.

He smiled and winked at me just as Mrs. Redding pulled back and held my shoulders firmly, and I could see tears in her eyes.

"We were terribly worried about you Simone, we tried calling." She stated and put one arm around me while walking me into the house.

She was pretty much the closet thing I had to a mother since leaving home; I have known Kate's parents as long as I have known her, we meet while at college and I have had many wonderful meals and moments in this home with this family. I felt even guiltier now for not answering or returning their calls.

"Peter, Peter where are you, Simone is here," as she called out to him, I glanced over at her and I could tell she seemed a little relieved for some strange reason.

Just then Mr. Redding came running down the steps and when he reached the bottom he picked me up and held me for a long moment.

"Peter, would you put the poor child down, she can't breathe," he put me down and smiled at me, not his usual big smile but a nice warm one.

"Young lady we have been so worried about you, why haven't you called us back?" he asked in that very fatherly way he had whenever speaking to me and Kate. In a ways you could say that they had adopted me into their family and I always felt welcomed and loved here.

"I'm so sorry Uncle P, I really wanted to talk to you guys but, well I kind of wanted to do it in person, and I have been in a daze for these past few days."

They both glanced over at each other and then turned back to me, "Oh my goodness sweetie, you must have been so terrified and gone through so much," was Mrs. Redding's reply.

"It's just that after the police called us and told us Kate was missing and then what happened to you, we really didn't know what to think." Mr. Redding told me as he led me and Eric into the living room to have a seat.

"At first we wanted to hear from you, to find out what had happened, but then we realized that you must be dealing with a lot as well and we wanted to make sure you were ok."

"You must know that we don't only see you as Kate's friend, you are family, a second daughter to us and we were just concerned about you," Mrs. Redding told me as she took my hands in hers. I was now sandwich between the two and Eric was sitting across from us in the love seat.

After talking for a little and reassuring them I was alright, I then told them what happened that night, details that judging from Mrs. Redding's reaction the police neglected to deliver, like how the guy hit Kate, how I saw her body lay limp on the floor before they began chasing me.

I always hated being the bearer of bad news but they had a right to know, it is their daughter after all and I have no right keeping that information from them. During the conversation and my telling of the story, Mr. Redding had moved away from me and closer to his wife in order to comfort her, she was crying and although I insisted that maybe we should talk about this another time, they wouldn't hear of it.

After things calmed down a little, I told them that I really believed that Kate was alive and that she would be home with us again, Mrs. Redding nodded her head in agreement but Mr. Redding just sat there looking sad and uncertain.

"Umm I don't mean to interrupt but we should get going Simone," Eric was looking at Mr. and Mrs. Redding when he spoke so I knew although he called my name he was addressing them and trying hard to be as polite and kind as he could under the circumstances.

"Yes of course you do, we have kept you hear practically all day." Mrs. Redding took my hand as she spoke with so much understanding in her voice.

"Now you listen hear young lady, don't be a stranger and call us day or night if you need anything."

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