Sith Lord vs. Sorcerer Supreme

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(No one's POV)

Zaraganba approaches Nihilus with caution as the genocidal Sith Lord glares at his brother with his soulless, blue glowing eyes. Zaraganba tries to plead with Nihilus but Nihilus immediately ignites his lightsaber, threatening to kill his own brother. Zaraganba remembers his training with his master Doctor Strange which makes the sorcerer activate a defensive spell, ready for the force user's wrath. Nihlus jumps up with his saber, the same way Vader jumped when he fought Obi-Wan, with the intent to stab his brother in the chest with his blade. However, Zaraganba instantly dodges the lightsaber and shoots a fireball in response. Nihilus dodges it as he goes for a forward thrust with his crimson blade. Zaraganba has decided to keep on the defensive the whole time due to know that Nihilus is much more powerful than himself. 

The fight rages on as Nihilus tries to find an opening in his brother's defense. That's when Nihilus starts to get impatient and decides to absorb the life force of every bystander in the area, killing them instantly. Zaraganba however, was prepared in case Nihilus did this very move, knowing what comes next. But before his defenses were even raised, Zaraganba gets force pushed into a building to be followed with his brother approaching him, with the same soullessness as before. Zaraganba calls the Resistance for help as the rubble from the building starts collapsing upon them both. 

(Papyrus' POV)

I have gotten a distress signal from Zaraganba, saying he failed to hold Nihilus back. I decide to rally some troopers alongside myself to take down Nihilus. As the Resistance ships fly to the site of the battle, I see Nihilus staring up at us. Me and the others open fire upon Nihilus but the sith manages to easily deflect ALL OF OUR LASERS DIRECTLY TOWARDS US! I MEAN SERIOUSLY! DOES THIS GUY HAVE ANY DIGNITY?! I'M GOING DOWN THERE TO TAKE HIM DOWN MYSELF SO THEN I CAN GIVE HIM A PIECE OF MY MIND LATER!!!

But Papyrus was held back with a blacked-gloved hand. "Leave that fight to me." was all Vader said as his ignites his own crimson blade, ready to fight his former ally.

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