"Get the fuck out and leave me and Luke alone god dammit! I promise you I'll never fucking go near Ashton alright?! We already had this fucking discussion!" Becca shoves Luke off of her, pulling her shorts up her body. "It's not my fucking fault that you don't even understand how to trust anyone."

"Maybe if you didn't dress like a complete skank I would trust you more!" Samantha's voice screams throughout the house, Mikeys chuckle breaking her tantrum up. "You only dress that way because you're a stupid whore who cant-"

In seconds, Becca is on top of Samantha, pinning her arms to the ground with one hand while the other makes a fist, repetitively slamming into Sams jaw, making the room echo with a loud crack. Luke scrambles off the bed, followed by a flustered Michael, pulling Becca off.

As they grip her arms away, Samantha punches becca in an uppercut, earning a gasp from becca and the guys pull her further away. The heel of Becca's foot connects with Sams chin, sending the brunette flying backwards into the carpet.

Well, that's a definite broken jaw.

Getting Bec to the bed, Luke sits behind her with his arms securely around her waist as Mikey holds her chin in his hand, trying to calm her down. Calums giggling like a fool in the corner while Samanthas cupping her jaw, blood pouring down her nose while tears spring to her eyes.

I pull her to her feet, steadying her in my arms before carrying her out of the room and to the bathroom. I dab her face with a wash cloth, noting that she probably has a broken nose and jaw. Bruises are already forming on her face, deep blue and purple patches scattered across her cheeks, jaw and nose.

Cal runs in, moving Samanthas legs roughly before grabbing medical tape from one of the drawers, shaking his head at me and running back. I make quick work of Samanthas wounds, bringing her back to my room, shutting the door then heading to Luke's across the hall.

Becca is seated on Luke's lap, his hands holding one of hers while Mikey tapes up her blue knuckles. She shifts her jaw, slightly wincing before reaching a hand up and popping it into place. Calum sighs, placing a small ice pack on her chin, earning a small smile.

"Get out." Luke's gruff voice calls, every ones eyes landing on mine. I look at the ground, then look at Becca, seeing hurt in her eyes. She peers over to the carpet near my feet, red blotches smearing on the fabric from my girlfriends battered up face.

"Don't want to get your girlfriend any more upset, leave." Michael snaps at me, standing from his place between beccas legs before pushing me from the room and slamming the door in my face. I walk back to my room, seeing Samantha still crying and cupping her jaw against my pillow.

"How is it?" I ask, earning a groan from the brunette, blood dripping a bit on my pillow from the thick cut on her lip i failed to notice. "Hey, look at me. Nothing is ever going to be between me and Becca, alright?"

She scoffs, swatting my hands away. "She's beautiful and funny and all the guys like her! Its not like they like me at all Ashton! I see the way you look at her, its obvious.." Her voice trails off at the end, making me cringe slightly.

Quickly, she sheds from my clothes and back into hers, looking at me. "I just..I cant do this knowing i'll never be anywhere near as good as she is. You weren't yelling at her and Luke because you were on my side, you yelled because you were jealous and hurt because you like her."

I fall back against the wall, running my fingers through my hair. "I love you." I spit out like venom, seeing her whole demeanor change. Her features soften and she grips my face, kissing my lips. Metallic flavor comes across my tongue from her cut.

"I love you too!" She squeals, jumping into my arms. I groan inwardly, clenching my muscles to accommodate her weight. "I love you so much i got into a fight for you..have you ever gotten into a fight for someone?"


"No one so far baby." I coo, pecking her forehead. She snuggles further into my chest, cringing whenever she hits a bruise against me. "Now, come on, lets go get your nose checked out."

Michael POV

I grin at the two delinquents on Luke's bed, one rubbing her jaw and the other staring at the ground. "So, when where you going to tell us?" I chuckle, Luke's face turning even more red at my question as Becca sighs.

"We made out last night, big whoop. Not like i haven't made out with you Mikey." Bec points out, my head nodding in agreement. Cal hufs on the floor, crossing his arms. "Awe baby Cal, your time will come soon!"

He smiles again, blushing slightly when Ashton opens the door. "Im bringing Samantha to the doctors, I'll be back later." I scoff at his words, rolling my eyes to look at Becca who is staring at Luke with a small smirk. "It was pretty fucking childish to do that Becca, just saying." Ash snaps.

Those icy blue eyes I've grown to adore snap up, glaring at Ashton with hatred. "Just make sure she shuts her damn mouth when she's near me and I won't do any more damage to her perfect little face." Becca snaps, Ashton's eyes rolling before he slams the door behind him.

Footsteps tread down the stairs and soon Ashton's car roars to life, pulling from the driveway. I high five her, smirking at the ground. "Sending bitches to the hospital since 1995." Becca laughs at my comment, falling back into Luke's arms, securing around her once again.

"I should get that tattooed somewhere." She states, chuckling. "I mean, maybe on the other side of my rib cage." She jokes again, pulling her shirt up to reveal her other tattoo then the virgin skin on the other side. We all laugh as she shrugs, pulling her shirt back down.

Becca winces as her hand grips the thin material of Luke's shirt, unclenching her fist quickly. "Knuckles sore?" Cal asks, achieving a nod and a groan from her. "I would bet, you went ham on her face dude. Like, I don't even think she quite understood what was happening at first."

I chuckle, ruffling my band mates hair. "Come on, let's go watch a movie ya imbeciles." Luke nods at me, picking Becca up over his shoulder, smacking her ass before running downstairs as she squeals.

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