Small but painful beginings

Start from the beginning

Frozen in the cold sand of the beach as I kept watching till the very end how that monster enjoyed his meal, I began to see my life flashing through my eyes. That's when I decided that I'll be dam if I die before I claim my revenge. When the monster was finished it seemed to have noticed me because it started walking towards me. From the corner of my eye I noticed a broken branch next to me and I slowly grabbed it and hid it behind my forearm as I waited for that monster to get closer. I could already feel the adrenaline rushing through my body enhancing every one of my senses. The cold streaks of salt water being brush by the freezing wind of the rain as more water poured on me, the taste of the bitter sea water in my mouth and lips, the smell of the ocean, blood and death intoxicating my nostrils, the sound of the waves crashing on the beach and the heavy steps of the monster getting closer, and the sight of all the carnage and body pieces as well as wreckage from the massacre drifting and floating in the water. I kept still as the creature lower it's head to my level as to take a better look at me. He turned his head to his right side looking at me with his left ember eye. Only at arms length from me his eye kept a direct gaze on me and I on it. At lightning speed my right arm holding the branch sprung to life and my body follow. Before I knew it my entire left arm had gone right through his eye and my body was against his skin. By the time he reacted he swung his head against me to shake me off, and it worked, but I was already pulling out my arm so when he swung he didn't just send me flying through the air but he also broke my forearm. It didn't end there, since he send me flying through the air I ended up hitting a tree, but this tree had a broken branch that went through my abdomen by my left side. Only a few more inches and the branch could've been avoided altogether but I wasn't that lucky. Aside from that the strong force of the hit had knocked out all the air from my lungs. When my brain finally caught up with the pain and I finally manage to take in some air back I screamed at the top of my lugs, but my anger had gotten into the mixture and it ended up turning into a roar, or at least as close as a human can get to a roar. My first instinct was to get myself of the branch and try to close the wound. Therefore with my legs I pushed myself of it, however I didn't realize I was high in the air so when I got off I fell on my feet hard. The fall was so high and hard that I sprang my left ankle letting out another scream with a slight hiss. I ended up collapsing on my left side bitting my bottom lip and pressing my eyes shut as I tried to wait for the pain to leave. I then remembered about the monster so I open my eyes to see where it was. To my surprise it was gone, probably to heal his wounds somewhere safe. Bastard! I'll get him soon enough, but until then I had to find a place to patch up my wounds. When I noticed some of the wreckage from the ship had reached the shore I pushed my self to my feet as best as I could with my only good arm. Once on my feet I limped to the wreckage little by little. After some minutes of searching I was struck with luck when the tie brought my own backpack to my feet. Apparently someone up there was still watching over me. I grabbed the bag and by the straps I rested it on my left shoulder as I limped away. With my backpack it was enough for now, specially since the night was already stalking the sky with all the time I've wasted. I headed for the jungle hoping to find some kind of shelter but halfway in I was beginning to feel dizzy, with a half open abdomen bleeding, witch I might add the branch had miss any vital organ, it was never a good sign. I drooped my bag and kneel down carefully as I could. I opened my bag and started looking for something I could use to slow down the bleeding at least until I could find a more permanent solution. I took one of my shirts and a belt warping it around my wound just above my waist. I tightened as much as I could and closing my bag I stood back up placing it on my shoulder again. I kept limping forward as fast as I could until I came upon an abandon building. I was surprise to see it because I was under the impression this was an uninhabited island. I didn't care I just limped as fast as I could towards it. As I got closer I noticed the Big ass fence looking thing dividing it from the jungle. It was high and very hard to go through specially since it seemed to be electric. Last thing I need right now is an electric shock. Therefore I began to look for a way in with out having to climbed it. In a short distance from where I was standing I saw what looked like a service entrance so I headed that way. Took me little time but the night had already fallen over the sky and I could barely see anything. Not only that but the rain had taken a turn for the worse too as the wind and lighting began to join in. Seriously could this day get any worse? I don't know how but somehow that question just has away to actually jinx things and fuck everything up. I got to the dam entrance and manage to open it after some determine effort because of the metal door being rusted and old. When I pulled the dam thing open it shrieked, and I swear if any other dam predator in this godforsaken island wasn't woken up by the blood on my arm and abdomen they where awake by the dam door. I went in as quickly as I could and pulled the door to close, only this time it made even more noise than before. Note to self if this is gonna become a regular thing make sure to oiled the fucking door. I didn't bother to try and secure the door because I didn't think it would matter. I just took out my phone and used the flashlight to see my way in the strange catwalk looking hallway. It was a straight line walk and for a strange reason the door on the other end shrieked less than the one before. Oh well maybe this one has more resistance than the other one. I kept limping forward as fast as I could heading in the direction of the building when I realized I had no remote idea how I was planing on fixing my arm and closing my wound. Don't get me wrong I've taken CPR and I've read a little about stitches and shit, and I've seen some tv shows and movies showing tricks that might work, but come on they're from tv, how reliable can they really be? However considering the bad luck streak and the condition I was in, it couldn't hurt to try one or two of those tricks. My ankle would probably fix its self within a week or so but my arm needed to be pushed back in place and cast if I wanted it to heal. My abdomen was top priority for now, I need my blood inside not outside. In any case I'll deal with it when I get to the building and I get my hands on what I needed. Once I was close enough to the building I tripped and fell head first in the ground, and just to add to my agonizing pain I felled on my broken arm shooting excruciating spikes of pain making a scream, follow by a hiss and a grunt scape from my mouth. I rolled to my back to lift the weight of my poor arm and I started to bite my bottom lip while I waited for the pain to pass. I manage to get back on my feet and began to head to the building again. When I saw the stairs I actually whine and said "Oh come on. Why can't I get a fucking break?" I sigh defeated and started my climb up the stairs. If it weren't for the fact that I have a spring in my left ankle I would've ran up theses stairs in a heart beat. Unfortunately today was not my day. I was actually glad when I reached the last stair that I let out a sigh of relief. I noticed the door was made of wood with some strange black color in the inside, but the frame and handle where also made out of wood. Maybe this place was some kind of hotel or restaurant if either one was true then that meant their was gonna be food or a bed somewhere in this place. I pushed the door open stepping in getting out of the rain when I noticed a big T-Rex skeleton laying on the floor with a few wires attached to it. Then I thought 'Shit this must be a museum' However my thoughts changed when I turned my phone's flash light on again and started to flash around when I saw a close by corridor to my left label on top by the frame 'Laboratories' but to me those words magically changed to 'Medical shit this way, hurry up and head this way to fix your sorry ass' I didn't think twice and I headed down that corridor. The deeper I headed down this corridor the darker it got and I had to rely on my phone's flashlight for any visibility. At one point, after passing to a corridor full of windows to seen into the strange looking lab with a strange center table holding broken eggs with a mechanical arm attached to it, I found a glass metal frame door label 'DNA Freezer' and could feel a slight cold coming from it. That meant that there was still electricity in this place, but seeing as how there was no light I concluded that the breakers where down. I'll admit my curiosity got the best of me and I went through the door. Honestly the saying "Curiosity killed the cat" would have applied to me if I was dead. Anyway, inside there was another door leading to the official freezer, this one was like the one I had just gone through but looked more white because of the ice that was forming on the glass. I set down my bag before going in because it was soaking wet, as well as I was, and I didn't want it to freeze inside. I even went as far as taking off my wet shirt but leaving the one I used to closed my wound, didn't want to suffer any pneumonia. When I grabbed the handle a bolt of cold went through my arm but I manage to opened it anyway and the cold from the inside hit me with out mercy and I shiver at the feeling. Inside I saw this strange looking columns holding some kind of glass vile containing a yellow liquid inside. For reasons beyond my comprehension the liquid hadn't frozen in this gut piercing cold. Little did I know that I had seal my fate when I stepped into this freezer because I didn't payed attention to the floor beneath my feet. In some distance past this floor was made of metal like a catwalk with out the railings, but in the present time if had frozen to the point where it was like a smooth tile floor only frozen and slippery. Because of that I slipped forward but manage to grab the first column in the right side. Unfortunately when I pulled myself up I accidentally seem to have pushed it off its frame and it fell forward. Again thanks to my bad luck, when the column hit the ground all the vials on it felled off and broke when they hit the ground releasing the liquid inside. Not only that the column had hit the one behind it and it fell too pushing the other and the next one after and so on like a domino. My face turned from 'Holy crap it's freezing in here' to 'I hope no one notices'. I try to back away and head out but I slipped and fell forward landing on my chest. I bet your saying "Let me guess he fell on top of the broken glass" Unfortunately for me I did land on the glass. Right now pneumonia didn't sound so bad considering my chest was bare and expose. I rolled to my back but ended up getting glass to pierce my back as well. Now there was just one things missing to make things all the more excruciatingly painful, the cherry on top, the dessert, the last drop that made everything fit. What was it? Oh yes one of those dam columns landing on top of me. You see since the columns had fallen in a domino I thought the last column wasn't gonna land on me, but it did and the glass containers where too fragile that when they hit my skin they broke letting all that liquid enter my open wounds along with all the liquid in the floor beneath my back. For some reason I was beginning to feel drowsy but I noticed, before I lost conciseness, from the corner of my eye that the liquid that was from the other columns was on the floor and it was heading towards me as if it was alive. I couldn't do much because just as I noticed everything got blurry and I lost conciseness.
I hope you enjoy this book as well as the other books I've written. If you have any comment, idea or see any grammatical error I should fix please tell me or pm me and I'll make sure to improve my work. Haters will not be acknowledge and if you don't like my books don't read them. Sincerely X.

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