"You won't get into trouble if I don't tell." She says seductively. I clench my jaw and shake my head at her.
"You need to go now." I say sternly.
"Yes Shana, lets go." A voice calls in the same tone as mine from behind us. I turn to see the principal and swallow the lump in my throat.
"Mr. Johnson-"
"No need to explain anything Mr. Brown, I've seen everything. I'll make sure this young lady is removed from your class since she can't control herself." He says as her face turns red from embarrassment.
"Thank you." I mumble and he nods before leading her out of the classroom.

I shake my head to clear my mind and begin to gather my things. After I'm finished I flick the light off and lock up my door behind me.
"Bye Adrian." Another teacher, Ms. James calls out to me and I smile and say my goodbyes. I exit the building and make my way towards my car. I tap the steering wheel as I wait outside of X's school. I see him come out and I step from in the car.
"Daddy!" He smiles running up to me. I chuckle and swoop him up. 
"Hey X. How was your day?" I ask as I make my way back to the car with him.

"Good, we watched movies because there's not much school left!" He exclaims and I chuckle with a nod.
"That's cool. What do you want for dinner?" I ask and he taps his chin, thinking as I open up the car. He slides in the back and I buckle him in.
"Wendy's! I'm going back to your house daddy?" He asks and I shake my head.
"No mommy just asked me to bring you home and pick up some dinner." I explain before getting into the car myself. He nods and I grab my old iPhone from the glove compartment and hand it to him.

That keeps him quiet as I drive to my mommas house to pick up Adrianna.
"Yes I'll slap a pussy nigga if he act out!" Xavier raps from the backseat making me quickly turn off the radio.
"Aye! Watch your mouth boy! How you know that song?" I asks as we pull up to moms house.
"Mommy's friend Ray plays it." He mumbles with a pout. I clench my jaw and nod before opening my car door.

"I'll be right back." I say before leaning him. I knock on the door and it opens seconds later.
"Hey Dri." My mom smiles and hugs me. I hug her back before pulling away.
"Hey ma, I would come in for a few but I gotta drop X off." I say and she nods and goes to get Adriana. She comes back into view with my sleeping beauty. I smile lightly and carefully take her from her arms.
"She fell asleep not to long ago. Poor baby's been crying all day. She says those things are hurting her." She says referring to Adriana's hearing aids. I frown and shake my head.

"I told Nia to get these looked at. I think their to big for her. Guess I'm going to have to do it myself. Love you mom see you later." I say before kissing her cheek. She says her goodbyes and watches us leave. I set Adri in her car seat and buckle her up before getting back in the drivers seat. Twenty minutes later we had ordered food from Wendy's and were pulling into Jasmines driveway. Xavier lets himself out as I grab the bag of food and Adriana.

The front door opens and Jasmine stands there with a silk robe on.
"Hey." She smiles lightly as she looks at Adriana.
"Hey Jas, mind if we come in?" I ask and she shakes her head before moving out of the doorway. I lay Adriana on her couch and go into the kitchen with them. I set the bag of food on the table and Xavier fishes out his salad, juice and fries. I pull out my food and sit at the table next to him.
"Thank you Adrian." Jasmine voices softly as she pulls out her burger and fries. She takes the sprite from the cup holder and sips it.
"You're welcome." I say and we sit awkwardly at the table together.

Somehow X convinced her to let me stay to watch a movie with them and we were all snuggled up on the couch. Adriana only woke up long enough to eat her food and fall back to sleep. Halfway through the movie Jasmine stands up and picks up a sleeping X. I watch her as she bends over and lifts him, her robe exposing her deep red panties. My favorite color on her. I bite my lip and look back at the T.V.
"It's pouring out there... do you want to stay the night?" Jasmine asks as she re-appears.

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