Chapter 2

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"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty." ~ Mother Teresa 


I look in the mirror, feeling rather indifferent about what I see. I mean, what do looks matter if there's no one to notice?

I pulled my hair into a messy bun, not bothering with makeup, and walked into the kitchen where my Mom was making herself some coffee.

"You're really going to school looking like that?" She asks, looking me up and down with a disappointed look. I was wearing my favorite Once Upon A Time hoodie, and sweatpants. I know, I'm fabulous when it comes to picking out outfits.

"Yeah...." I say, looking at the ground, "What's wrong?"

"You don't care about yourself. That's what's wrong." She scoffed, "You know that Jayden girl? She's so pretty. Do you think she ever dresses like that?"

"No." I mumble, suddenly feeling really awful about how I looked. Moments before, it didn't matter. But-

"People are going to be laughing about you behind your back." My mom said, shaking her head and pouring her coffee.

I hang my head, tears forming in my eyes, "I can go change maybe-"

"It's too late. You'll be late for school."

"Okay." I sighed, biting my cheek and grabbing my bag, "Love you."

"Love you too." She says monotonously, and I sigh again, walking out the door.

I had to shake my head slightly, to stop myself from utterly breaking down, before I got in the my car and started the drive to school.

What am I even living for?

~•~ P.O.V Change (Mystery)

"It's stupid how-" I automatically stop more words from escaping my lips as my friend, whom I was talking to, walked away.

I purse my lips, letting out a slow sigh. I watched her disappear down the stairs, and go to greet another friend.

"Well, okay then." I say, shaking my head. I know she expects me to follow her, but I'm just done with this shit. I walk away to my first hour, I guess the earlier I get there, the more time I have to get ready.

I weave quietly around a couple people, as they're talking and groaning about how they don't want to be here at school.

Same, man. Same.

"Hey!" I hear a voice announce happily, as another friend walks up to me.

"Oh, hey." I respond, giving a curt nod.

"Ready for orchestra?" They ask, winking and laughing. We all know how boring Orchestra has been lately, doing the same exact thing every day.

"Oh yeah, totally." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes and chuckling.

"Do you think we're actually going to play Beauty and The Beast or not?" She asks, referring to the sheet music we wanted to play for our concert.

"No," I say, disappointed, " Remember the, like, 10 people who didn't want to play it? Those are all some of his favorite students, he'll listen to them any day."

"He's an asshole." She says.

"I couldn't agree more, Ava. I couldn't agree more."

"Wait," Ava says, pausing to laugh a little, "Why are you here so early? Don't you usually spend this time to hang with Hannah and Bri?"

"Yeah but," I say, readjusting my backpack strap on my shoulder, "Bri ran away from me mid-sentence to talk to Hannah, and I was too tired to follow."

Ava started laughing, the noise resonating throughout the small hall. I laughed along, not really knowing how it was funny.

It hurt, in all honesty.

"Hey listen, I promised Alice I'd meet her before 1st hour to help her with some homework, but I'll see you in orchestra?"

"Yeah." I nod, watching her quickly speed walk away. I mean, she did have 10 minutes before 1st hour, so I guess she did have time to help Alice.

I walked into the Fine Arts area, grabbing my cello out of its wooden case, orchestra people walking by into the room. Not one acknowledged me.

I sighed.

Even if it seems that I have friends,

I'm actually alone.

~•~ P.O.V Change (Rebecca Davis)

My first hour was a pretty boring class, Economics. It's one of those classes were I could be on my phone all hour, but still ace the test.

I mainly just use my phones for games, I don't have any social media because, you see. My mom doesn't let me get any.

I would make myself an Instagram, but I knew my mom had one as well, and she'd probably find me on it.

It's not like I have the friends to share it with anyway, it wasn't worth the risk.

"Did you do the homework?" A boy asks, leaning forward to talk to me.

Another name to remember, Joshua Douglas. That one kid who was basically failing every class, yet still was able to play on the Basketball team. Honestly, the favoritism towards athletes in this school is disgusting. And more about Joshua, he was an asshole. Through and through.

"Yeah." I whisper quietly, the teacher strutting into the class. Mr. Edwards, the one teacher who was undoubtedly gay, but never admits it. He cleared this throat and started writing on the board, the lesson plan for today.

"Can I see it?"

"No." I promptly announce, looking ahead at the agenda.

"I get it," He chuckles, "What's in it for you? Well, I could meet you somewhere, and pay the debt off."

Honestly, when he winked after that I wanted to puke.

"No." I say again, simply.

"Bitch." He hisses under his breath, "No wonder you have no friends."

Low blow, but I really don't care. I mean, sure, I have no friends and I hate it, but, his words don't affect me. He's just another egotistical ass.

I think, the whole scenario was worth it in the end though. I really loved the fact that Joshua didn't realize our 'homework' was a project, and that he would be getting a 'F' in the grade book.

Oh well.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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Simply Nobodyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें