Chapter 22: New nation, Old Friend

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Everyone had to shield their eyes from the light "Did it work...are they gone?" asked Plutia as the glare stopped with Blanc seeing her answer

"No...they're...still here" Terra and Neptune were still present, though rather lost to say the least

"Ooo...kay? Hmm...I'll just come out and sat this" said Neptune "what gives?"

"I...haven't the slightest clue" said Terra before turning round  "But Plutia is present, and so are the kids...which basically means...we never left"

"Why...did you not mention me?" asked Blanc

"Well...there's a Blanc in the dimension we come from, that...isn't this one"

"I...understand" Blanc said nodding

Terra and Neptune mentally hadn't quite unregistered what had happened "well...hmm this is...beyond awkward" said Terra

"We built so much drama in that scene" said Neptune "We nearly had the waterworks going...but once the firework went up, it dropped like a stone"

"So...does that're all staying?" asked Compa

"Ask a moment" said Terra who held his head "I...need a minute. So Histoire what happened...Histoire?"

"Down there...on the floor"

Compa pointed to the fallen Histoire, near-collapsed on her tone with Compa delicately picking her up "Ms Histoire? Ms Histoire are you alright?"

"Energy...reserves...near depleted (=_=)" Histoire sounded weak and severely drained " recharge"

"Histoire...Histoire what happened?" asked Terra kneeling down with Histoire straining to get up

"Ter...ra? You're" she strained herself to see Neptune "Neptune too? I knew...when you entered I'd...falter but if you did not enter...then" and with that Histoire fell over unconcious

"Histoire" Peashy said worriedly

"Histoire is badly tired...she needs rest" Terra patted Compa on her shoulder "Go take Histoire to lie down, alright?"

"Alright" said Compa who walk inside gently cradling Histoire

"Wait" said Peashy who picked up the tome "you need her book" Peashy ran inside leaving everyone fairly...bemused.

IF was one to ask "So...just to clarify, neither of you went home?"

"I...guess not" said Terra "One way to test" Terra held out his hand, which IF after a minute high-fived "Well I didn't, I'm still here. Neptune?"

"Go on Plutie...up top" said Neptune with her hand

"Okay" said Plutia who high-fived Neptune "'re still here too" she said not quite able to take it in

"I...would feel happy about this" said Blanc "But after that last scene"

"Yeah I'm a bit...lost how to react myself" said Terra

"Hey...Hey everyone can you hear that?" said Young IF "there's someone calling"

Everyone listened to hear the faint cries "Please help! Please Help! I can't stop falling!"

"Huh?" Terra looked up to see the owner of the voice zipping towards

Hyperdimension Neptunia's Lost Chapter Mk 2 (Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin