To be honest, I only know of one fitness gym nearby because, like him, I am new to this town. That's Zack's L-Fitness Gym, which he owns and manages. I can't recommend that gym to Durand since Zack would despise it, right?


"I know one!" the innocent Rhian volunteered excitedly. "I know a fitness gym nearby and just within Jawara Subdivision."

Durand became frigid once more when he heard my sister. It seemed as though he didn't believe her or trust her words.

"We'll walk you there for you to see it. Let's go," Rhian continued.

"Rhian—" I tried to stop her.

"What, sis Irryn? It will be fine, he will like it there for sure. Let's go, Durand. Follow us."

Though we were both hesitant and unsure, we still followed Rhian on the way to L-Fitness Gym.

Durand believed Rhian the moment we entered the place. He was especially caught off guard when he saw the interiors.

I couldn't help but feel uneasy as we ascended the stairs to the second floor, where Zack's office could be located.

Rhian is unaware that she is preying on Durand's predator adversary.

"For a while, Durand..." I held his arm to make him stop for a second.

Both Rhian and Durand turned to look at me.


"Is there anything wrong, sis Irryn?"

Nothing came out of my mouth. How could I tell Durand that this one is actually run by Zack? Furthermore, how could I explain to Rhian that her brother and Durand aren't even friends?

Instead of telling her, I just shook my head. We continued walking.

When we got to the second floor, I could see Zack's glass-walled office. Perhaps he didn't notice us since his office was soundproof and he was too preoccupied with the materials he was reading on his table.

Even though my heart was pounding, I couldn't refrain from smiling while watching Zack.

He's still in college, but based on how he works at his office, he appears to be serious and knows very well everything he does.

Rhian opened the glass door, and her brother's gaze shifted to us as soon as she did.

He looked at his sister.

Rhian turned to Durand and me. "Come here. Let's get inside."

Zack's brow furrowed when he noticed Durand, and his eyes darkened again when those darted at me. Durand, on the other hand, was astounded to find my stepbrother, who had turned out to be his enemy a month before, on that beach.

Rhian assisted us both, while Zack returned to his documents, and seemed unconcerned.

"What do you want?" he asked plainly.

"I've got a new L-Fitness Gym trainee, big bro Zacky. Durand," Rhian gladly presented Durand to her brother.

She still doesn't appear to realize what's going on.

"Who? This guy?" Zack pointed to my friend.

"Yeah. He's Durand. Sis Irryn's friend."

Zack's steely and harsh eyes snapped onto me when Rhian mentioned my name. He constantly gave me that scary and menacing stare.

"Actually, he will enroll in a fitness session here just for a week, since he will stay in the city just for one week. He is looking for nearby gyms to do his fitness routines, so I remembered to recommend ours," Rhian explained.

"This is your owned-fitness gym?" Durand asked Rhian.

She nodded joyfully. "Yes, and my big bro is the manager and heir who will inherit this family business of ours."

Durand's jaw clenched with that. "Why didn't you tell me right away that you actually own this gym and your brother runs it?"

Rhian looked puzzled. "Why? Is there any problem if I recommend you to a gym that my family owns?"

"Why don't you ask your brother then."

Rhian gave Zack a questioning and almost an interrogating look. "Bro?"

Zack grinned with insult. "His hesitation in enrolling here is due to his uncertainty as to whether or not I would approve his enrollment."

Rhian got to be more confused. "Why not—"

"If not then be it. It wouldn't bother me that much. I'll be leaving now. Bye." Durand said with finality and then immediately marched outside the office.

"Durand, what? Wait–-" Rhian was about to ask more, but she was cut with her words when Durand got out of the door.

She glared at her brother. "What seriously is happening? Why wouldn't you accept his enrollment here? What's wrong with you, big bro?!"

Zack shrugged his shoulders dismissively, clearly unconcerned by his sister's accusatory tone.

Rhian, who got disappointed, shook her head in disbelief with her big bro.

"I can't believe you. Aside from being harsh, you're also incredibly rude. The guy was ready to enroll in a fitness class, but you turned him down. You've got a huge attitude, bro!"

"Rhian—" I was about to comfort and calm her down, but I was not able to do so when she started marching outside to walk out from her brother.

Now that Zack and I are alone, I must leave. I was staring at him. There was a moment when he watched me intently.

He looked at me with the same stern, brooding expression as before, but this time his lips were slightly raised.

My Ruthless Stepbrother (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now