A Question For SetoSolace (#1)

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Cooki: Welcome back to Team Crafted Talks lovelies! Today we have for you…..

Moony: Wir werden heute von SetoSolace beigetreten! :D (We are joined today by SetoSolace!) Unsere Frage, die wir heute haben, wurde von girgal gefragt. (Our question we have today, was asked by girgal)

Seto: Hey guys!

Brice: Sooo, I hear you have a question for us?

Cooki: Yes, as Moony was saying- This question was asked by girgal: Seto, would you take off your robe for Brice? And I dare Brice to actually take the robe off!

Seto: *squeaks and jumps into Brices lap*

Brice: *Giggles*

Seto: Ummm, Once.

Cooki: You too are so very manly!

Moony: Solche männlich. Viel Kichern. (Such manly. Much giggling.)

Brice: C’mere baby! Let me take off that robe! XD

Seto: You wouldn’t…

Cooki: *Giggles*

Brice: Oh but i would *grabs Seto and sits him on his lap* Now we can do this the Easy way or the Hard ((OMFG ~Cooki)) way? ((LOL ~Moony))

Seto: *growls*

Brice: Hey hey. No need to be feisty. ((LOL ~Moony)) *slowly slides off robe* ((Oh my gosh this has escelated quickly… ~Moony))

Cooki: Don’t be having no sex on my couch.

Moony: Es tut mir leid, das ist einfach zu lustig! (I'm sorry, that's just too funny!)

Seto: *Slips his robes back on* Hate you

Brice: Love you too sweetheart!

Seto: Yea, taking my robe off isn’t happening…

Brice: :(

Cooki: No sex on my couch

Moony: Ähm ... also das ist alles, was wir heute haben! (Um… so that’s all we have for today!)

Cooki: See you all next time on, “No Sex on my Couch!” *coughs* I mean, Team Crafted Talks!

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