Bad Day- Natsu, Nashi, Lucy, Storm & Luke

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*The day of the big dinner*

"Hi Mrs. Dragneel! It's so wonderful to see you again.

"Hi Wendy. I'm here to see Dr. Porlyusica."

"Oh of course go right ahead to the back."

Lucy walked down the hallway and knocked on the Doctors door.

"Come in and have seat. I have some news to share with you." Porlyusica said as Lucy sat in front of her.

"Well I am not going to ignore the inevitable. We both knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Lucy your sick very sick and luckily enough for you we were able to stop the sickness from getting any worse. The only problem is that we don't know if you will be able to survive without it because as far as we know it's the only thing pushing your body to function."

"So what your saying is if I take the vaccine, I may die." Lucy said as she stared at the floor.

"I'm sorry."

Lucy walked out the doctors office with a blank expression on her face.

"Hey Lucy wait up!" Wendy said as she ran to catch-up with Lucy.

"So how did it go! Will you be cured!" Wendy said as she looked up at Lucy excitedly waiting for an answer.

Lucy looked down at her sister-in-laws face and couldn't handle telling someone she cared about that she may die.

"It went great. I'm going to be just fine. I promise."


"I can't believe him!"

"Nashi he's your father." Lucy watched her daughter pace around her room after Natsu sent her to her room for talking back to him.

"Well sometimes he doesn't act like it."

There was silence between the two as Nashi came and sat down next to her mother.

"What did your doctor say?"

Lucy sighed as she stood up and walked to the door.

"I may not make it this time so please be nice to your father." Lucy walked out and left a heartbroken and tearful Nashi behind.

'What does she mean "May not make it". Is she telling me she might die.' Nashi thought as she started to cry. 'NO NO NO NO!'


"Hey where do you think your going you big baby." A bully said to Luke as he started to walk home.

"He's home and you are going to the principals office." Luke turned around to see his home room teacher standing behind the bully.

"Come one."

Luke started to walk to the store only a block away from his house. Only to find out he came on the wrong day.  "Here you go sir that will be $5.48. The women at the register said to Luke but before he could hand her the money someone pushed him aside as bullets came flying through the glass window of the store.

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