*Song Request* Call me maybe - Lisanna

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Newsreporter Rocket - Breaking News! Mentally insane Lisanna Strass is now out of the loony house. So if your her ex then watch out! Because she Out and free....somehow. Also, I was told to inform viewers that if something is bold and in italics then it's a action. Back to you Jason.

Lisanna- When I came back
And saw your life on track
I couldn't have any of that
And now I'm hiding in your house

I came though the back door
Just to smell your boxers some more
Is that some of your hair on the floor
Yay you just came home

~~Lisanna runs down the stairs and hides behind the couch.~~

Your body was glowing
Shirt off
Abs was showing
Blonde girl
She was moaning
As you kissed her-! Wait what the hell?!

~~Lisanna jumps out and they both scream~~

What the hell do you
Think your doing
Blondie get off my boyfriend
Or I'll get crazy

Lucy- Who the hell are you?
How'd you get in our house?
Natsu's my boyfriend
Nastu what is she talking about?

Natsu- Are fucking kidding me?
Lisanna not again!
We broke up years ago
So stop stalking me!
Luce I can explain
This is my ex she's crazy
For some reason she thinks we're still dating

Lisanna- Because we are
Now let's have (Nali) babies

~~Lucy grabs a base and smashes it on Lisanna's head as Natsu calls the police. After they came and got her Natsu and Lucy went to their bedroom~~

Natsu- Luce I'm sorry about that
I understand if your mad
And want to dump me for that

Lucy- Are you kidding me?
I'd never leave you over that
Now can we please go back
To where we were before

Narrator- They were really going
Pants off
He was growing
About to start
But they weren't knowing
Lisanna's back and she has gun!

Lisanna- If I can't have him
Then you can't either
So stop it right now
Or this gun will go pow

Lucy- How the hell did you
Get back in our house!
That's it I'm calling Ezra now

Lisanna- Don't you dare pick up that phone
I'm really crazy
I'll shoot you right now
If Natsu doesn't marry me

Natsu- Before you came back into my life
I was planning on being a dad
But now I'm so sad
Because you came right back
I don't know how your even here
But you should know that
I'd knew you'd come back
Ezra you can attack

~~Ezra come out of the closet.~~

Erza- Nothing will get the way
Of them having a baby
I will be a aunt
So I will kill you definitely

~~Erza beats Lisanna really bad to a point where she had to be taken to a hospital. After that she want to prison for 4 years because she violated the restraining order Natsu had put on her but back to the present.~~

Lucy- I hope she's ok
This is crazy
Natsu are you sure
We are ready

Natsu- Luce I am positive
We can have this perfectly
Now quit worrying
And let's make (Nalu) babies

~~4 years later when Lisanna got out of jail.~~

Lisanna- So I went to jail
And they are getting married
They had a baby
Her name is Nashi
But I guess it's ok
Because I met Bixlow

Bixlow- Here's my number
So call me, maybe

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