Chapter 18: unexpected responses

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"Mine," Harper admitted. "Levi doesn't want to be there. He's still technically working for me, but he's in botany. I told him I want reports on what botany is doing and what their plans for the future are. I don't think anyone is tracking our long term planning. And I think the archives has the ability to do that. Libba seems to agree, we had a good talk today."

Cameron was amazed how animated Harper was, how focused. She knew that he hadn't been very happy in builds, but he had chosen it specifically to stay out of the public eye. Now that portion of their lives was over. Harper was taking his experience in communications to this new department. She was a little excited to see what he would do.

Someone knocked at the door and Cameron released Harper to open it for Tyson and Alcott. They held up some cookies, which Tyson set on the counter too close to Harper. Cameron moved the plate just as he was reaching for one.

"Babe," he complained.

"After dinner or you'll try to tell me you're too full for salad."

"It has tomatoes on it," he grumbled. "How are you two, or three rather?"

"Tired," Alcott admitted. "All the time. I'd say I'll be glad to get my time back, but I know that's not going to happen for a long time." She smiled. "You don't have many cycles of free time either, Cameron."

"Non," Cameron conceded. "Let me finish up this salad and we'll sit. Oh, Harper; you need to set up a meeting with Tyson."

"Oh, why?" Harper asked.

Cameron smiled. "Because Tyson is supposed to interview every department head. That's you, now."

Alcott and Tyson both congratulated Harper as he explained the circumstances. Cameron was still a little surprised. Most of the changes in Harper's life, even eating vegetables, had been instigated by her. This was all on his own. Alcott wiped a tear from her eye.

"I haven't seen Levi yet, I'm sure he wants to surprise Anatoly and me later," she said. "But I can't tell you how glad I am. Merci beaucoup, Harper."

"I'm pretty excited myself," he admitted. "And I think Levi will be much more interested in helping now that he hasn't been forced into it. Also, we were trying to figure out a new date and cycle filing system. My birthday should be soon. I'll be thirty."

"You're old," Alcott joked. "Older than the rest of us, at least."

"He's only two years older than me," Tyson replied. "I don't feel old."

"Most of the people in cyro are in their early twenties, with the exception of Earth people who are all sorts of ages," Cameron explained. "Harper was much older that usual."

"I also was in cryo for much different reasons," he pointed out. "I was put in cryo as a punishment, not because I was looking forward to the planet surface."

He didn't mention Taylor. Cameron was a little glad. She couldn't possibly be jealous of his affections, but every now and then she'd still worry a little.

"Congress did that?" Tyson asked, eyebrows raised. "What could that possibly solve; for you it would be like no time had passed."

"Harper had contacted the Canary when his captain had expressly forbade it," Cameron explained. "Being in cryo meant that he couldn't interfere."

"That's rotated," Tyson exclaimed and then snorted. "I'm picking up your vocabulary too quickly for comfort."

Harper rolled his shoulders and then winced, rubbing his collarbone. "Rotated is the only word for it. It's a good thing Dylan and Levi came by when they did. I'd still be in cryo and Cameron a skeleton in a burned out Canary."

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