Chapter two.

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Hadrian's POV.

With burning anger, I leave the bank. I never want to see any of them again. It seems I have to go to the Dark Lord before planned. I march through the leaky without sparing anyone a glance. Once outside, I hail the knight bus, letting them take me quite close to the Riddle manor.
I glamour myself to look like I have for the past years. The scar and unruly hair - all of that.
This way they'll see that the light is going down for sure. I walk the path up towards the building.

As I stand in front of the Riddle manor doors, first time after the idea made itself known in my head, I feel fear. I am not exactly a welcomed guest. I would be lucky if I am not killed the second someone opens the door. I am afraid that they won't listen to me. Why do I always make rash decisions like that? I wearily knock at the door, might get over with it.

My panic grows as I recognize someone's skipping. The sound itself seems insane. A lady with messy hair tears open the door. Bellatrix. Now I am going to be dead for sure.
"Ooh, little potty lost his way. Don't worry, the Dark Lord will be so pleased."
Those words sound horrible. Why did it have to be her? Why not Malfoy or anyone sane at least?
She grabs me by my overly sensitive wolf ear and drags me behind her. All I feel is the pain. An involuntary whimper leaves my lips. I feel like crying. The tears are silently falling already. I can't hold them back.

She drags me into a room, big hall, something similar to a throne room. The Dark Lord is sitting on the throne and it seems like all his death eaters are here too.
I let the glamour drop seconds before I am thrown at the Dark Lord's feet. I feel new bruises forming already. She was so rough with me. Once the pain falls to the background, surprise takes over.  How can Voldemort have a body?

"My Lord, I have brought you Harry Potter! Isn't he pathetic?"

I whimper silently, feeling all eyes in the room in me. I am afraid of what will happen to me now. I didn't expect Voldemort to throw a crucio at her.
His powerful voice raised a little bit as he said:

"What did I tell you about hurting submissive creatures?"

Bellatrix answers him, that he did not allow to hurt subs. Which earns her another crucio. Her screams hurt my ears and remind me of my own treatment at my relatives' place. I can't keep that scared whimper inside.

I guess that he hears me and that this was the reason he stops the curse.  He tells them to leave us. They are gone as soon as the last words leave his mouth. The snake-faced man comes to my side but then surprises me by letting his glamours fall. He looks like little bit older Tom Riddle. Sexy and hot as hell. He helps me to my feet and pulls me to his chest.

"Did you need something, sweety?"

I tell him my sob story, leaving out some of the worse things my relatives did to me. I can feel his rage as the temperature in the room drops. It's so cold here now. Why and how did he do that? I feel shivers running down my back and making goose bumps appear, without thinking, I snuggle closer to him. He senses my distress takes many deep breaths and finally calms down. He scared me. Well, that and the fact that despite the fear my body cuddled closer to him and didn't pull away. It is confusing me so much.

What if he is a creature? I have never known that a wizard could lower the temperature in the room with their anger. I would love to know what creature he is if he is one. Or if he isn't how he did that. I don't let my curiosity get the best of me and keep my mouth shut. It doesn't seem wise to ask such a personal question from him. And the second question that enters my mind is even worse. I can't ask someone how they got their body back. Nor can I exactly ask him why he hides behind the snake glamour. I give up on trying to find a normal question to ask him. It seems like there aren't any.

"Do you wish to ask me something?"

I go to shake my head, but he sends me a pointed look, telling me to be honest.


A soft chuckle leaves his lips as he asks me to repeat my questions a bit slower and one at a time. I decide to start with a question that seems the most interesting to me.

"What creature are you?"

"I am a demenire."

He probably sees my confusion. I have no idea what this creature is like, the only time I have heard this name was the inheritance paper. My mate is the same creature so I prepare to listen to his explanation closely.

"I created it myself. I am a hybrid between a dementor and a vampire."

He is my soulmate, my perfect match. I decide to bring it up later and get answers to my questions before I tell him and receive my rejection. I am sure he doesn't want me anyway.

"How did you get your body back?"

"My self-created creature inheritance gave me my body back."

Of course, neither of those creatures can exist without a physical body. Seems legit to get back one's body if that one becomes a creature.

"Why are you wearing that glamour around your followers?"

I was really curious about it. My mind couldn't find a reason why he would do so when he looked so handsome.

"I wear the glamour only when lower ranked deatheaters are around. They are yet to become utterly loyal and fear that my snake-like face gives them, it keeps them in line."

Okay, that is actually more reasonable than every other idea that went through my mind. Should I tell him that he is my mate, or should I just enjoy what I have as long as I can?

"No need to wonder about it." 

No, he can't know what I am thinking. That can't be possible.

"I am your mate. My creature side has been screaming at me since Bellatrix brought you in."

He leans closer to my ear and whispers: "I'll protect you."

I curl into him. He didn't reject me, he actually wants me. Someone in this world wants me and cares for me. Emotions I thought couldn't be felt about me. I feel like crying. He truly cares about me. About ME. I just hide my face in his chest and let the tears fall again.

1152 words


Edited 02.06.2018.

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