Sangwoo Loving yoon...

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Sangwoo lying yoonbum on the bed
rubbing his face against yoonbums stomach

yoonbum lightly blushes ," s-sangwoo" yoonbum says watching sangwoo

sangwoo grabs yoonbum pulling him closer ," give me your hands " sangwoo says staring at yoonbum saying hands

yoonbum says in a soft voice , " o-okay " he says as sangwoo grabs his fingers separately

sangwoo licks yoonbums finger one by one as yoonbum blushes more

yoonbum blushes even more ,"s-sangwoo "

sangwoo keep licking as he grabs his hand culling them together while saying ," you had a little of that soup dripping on you fingers "

sangwoo slowly starts kissing yoonbums cheek more and more ," this is where is hurts right "

yoonbum moaning a small bit while saying it,"y-yes "

sangwoo keeps kissing and pulls yoonbum up on the head of the bed

sangwoo looks at him all aroused smiling getting closer kissing his neck a bit

yoonbum moans out, " A-ah sangwoo " yoonbum says while feeling sangwoo knee his crotch

sangwoo, " mh you're still so warm "
sangwoo says deeply pressing more against yoonbums crotch

yoonbum, " ah i-i" yoonbum saying  trying not to lose himself in all this pleasure

sangwoo knowing what he's doing keeps going a bit faster teasing yoonbum

not letting himself hold back anymore yoonbum let's go ," ahhh"

sangwoo gets up looming at his knee 
," So sticky and wet"

sangwoo says demandly," lick it "

yoonbum in suprisement hesitates
as sangwoo looks at him saying," it's yours isn't it lick it "

yoonbum gets a little closer and starts licking his cum off of sangwoo knee

sangwoo looking down on him smiles and brings him up for another kiss

yoonbum in heat says ,"s-sangwoo c-can I "he says as looking at sangwoo bulge

sangwoo laughs as he taunts him and says ," ah nah your way to horny, pig ..
rub it instead"

yoonbum slightly disappointed but still in heat brings his hands closer and begins rubbing sangwoo bulge

sangwoo tempted stares at him and watches

yoonbum rubs and rubs while panting ," it feels so warm "

sangwoo quietly stands there staring him down trying not to moan

yoonbum keeps trying his best to keep himself from just opening sangwoo's pants but it just so difficult

yoonbum thinks to himself ," I can't keep going like this it's right there and it's so tempting "

as yoonbum keeps going he begins to feel a rush of liquid going through sangwoo's crotch

sangwoo gives out a soft moan," mhhf" as yoonbum feels sangwoo's pants soak wet

yoonbum pants as sangwoo brings him face up and looks at him with a grin

sangwoo looks at him saying ," your body's even warmer now "

yoonbum barley being able to do anything his eyes closed as he went to sleep

sangwoo looking at him putting back on a t-shirt and underwear saying," heh your so cute"

end of part 2

Yoonbum x Sangwoo Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ