Surprise Marriage

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I had recently developed the habit of waiting for Reilly to get home from road trips, no matter how late it was.

Sawyer was back home in Toronto with my mom and dad, which had left me alone in the apartment for a good two and a half weeks.

It's now three in the morning and I could feel my eyes drooping shut. I must've slightly dozed, because I flinched when I heard the bedroom door shut.

"Reils!" I exclaimed, jumping out of bed. A smile spread across his face. I collided with him, wrapping my arms around him. He hugged back. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too," he replied, kissing the top of my head. He held me at arm's length, scanning my body, as if to make sure I hadn't changed. "You look exhausted, babe."

"I am exhausted," I laughed as I pulled him in for another hug.

"I'll go change and then we can go to bed," he said. He let me go and went into the bathroom while I crawled back into bed. "You look like a blanket burrito," he teased as he came out of the bathroom, wearing only sweat pants.

"It's comfy, join me," I laughed. He grinned and got into bed with me. His skin was warm as he wrapped his arms around me. He looked at me and smiled before giving me a kiss. I reached my hand up, resting it on his neck.

"I love you, Katie," he mumbled, his lips still on mine, his eyes still shut.

"I love you, Reilly," I replied, pushing our lips back together. Two and a half weeks may not seem like a long time, but damn had I missed him.

The next morning, I woke up around eleven, and Reilly wasn't in bed anymore. I groaned and rolled over. He was so warm. Lexie burst into my room.

"Katie, we have a fucking problem," she said, her eyes wide.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, sitting up.

"I'm pregnant," she whispered with a gulp. I felt my jaw drop. Her and Dougie were only 20, no where near ready for a kid. I would know.

"Fuck," I replied, running my hand through my tangled hair.

"What do I do?" she squeaked. She moved and sat on the edge of my bed.

"You should tell Dougie," I told her. She shook her head.

"I know he's not ready for kids. He's told me that he doesn't want to have kids until his hockey life is settled down and he has a consistent spot on the Bruins. And to tell you the truth, I'm not ready either," she confessed, biting her lip.

"I can say that I do understand what you're going through, to some extent. Do not do what I did. Do not keep this hidden from him. Do not lie to him about the dad, you'll only regret it later," I advised her. "Reilly and I may be a good couple now, but that took months of arguing and hiding. I know it's scary."

"It's beyond scary."

"I know, Lex. If Dougie is the good guy we think he is, he will be supportive. After all, it's half his fault," I joked to try to lighten the mood. Lexie gave a small laugh. "And there's always the option of adoption."

"Thanks, Katie," she said. "I knew you'd have something good to say."

I pulled her into a hug.

I began to think of Sawyer and all the bad decisions I'd made that had affected his life. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice by keeping him and not putting him up for adoption. Don't get me wrong, I love the kid to death. I just wonder how things would've turned out differently.

After Lexie left, Reilly came in. I looked at him as he leaned in the doorway, probably on Twitter. I thought about all those months we spent hating each other. All those awful months. I wondered how his eyes could look at me with love an amazement after looking at me with disgust and hatred.

I had fucked up, big time, and yet, here he was, loving me and being with me. I didn't care that the guys were suppose to propose.

"Reilly, will you marry me?" I suddenly asked. He looked up at me shocked. "I know guys are supposed to propose, but I want to get married right fucking now."

"What's gotten into you?" he laughed.

"I was just thinking about the shit I did and how you're still here, loving me, and I want to be with you forever," I explained, a tear sliding down my cheek. He came over to the bed and wiped my tear off my face.

"Then let's go," he whispered. "We can go to the courthouse, then the jewelry store." He pressed his lips to mine.

"You're serious?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" he asked, looking me dead in the eye. I smiled and pulled his lips to mine again.

An hour later, I was officially Mrs. Smith, and we were on our way to the jewelry store.

"I can't believe we just did that," Reilly laughed. He put his hand on my thigh.

"We're fucking married," I laughed. He glanced at me and we both started cracking up. We were laughing so hard, he had to pull over.

"We just got married - at the courthouse," he laughed hysterically.

"We just eloped!" I replied. He was laughing so hard he couldn't breath.

"I love you, Mrs. Smith," he told me seriously once he stopped laughing. I smiled.

"And I love you, Mr. Smith."

Reilly insisted I stay in the car while he picked out the rings. He came back a half hour later. He handed me a velvet box, and watched me intently as I opened it. I gasped. It was quite possibly the nose beautiful ring I'd ever seen. It was a big rectangle, with a halo of smaller diamond around it, and the band had diamonds on it.

"Holy shit, Reils," I whispered. He took the box and slid it on my left ring finger. I took his silver wedding band and slid it onto his left ring finger.

"Through sickness and health," he told me. I smiled.

"Til death do us part," I replied before he kissed me.

I Never Told You {Reilly Smith}Where stories live. Discover now