Chapter 5 - Changes

Start from the beginning

Fred sighed heavily as he moved slowly to the door.

He opened it and stood back. "Agent Spencer? What brings you here?"

My head shot up and I caught a glimpse of my new partner standing hesitantly outside the door, books and papers held underneath his arm. He had on a blue sweater vest this time, the one he had on earlier probably still wet from the water he had spilled.

Agent Spencer moved a strand of hair out of his eyes, tucking it behind his ear. "Agent Hughes." He held out a hand. The books under his arm slipped and fell to the floor.

I groaned internally as Fred and Agent Spencer both knelt down and clumsily gathered the dropped papers. I tried to hide, sinking into the sofa. Maybe he wouldn't see me...

"Agent Porter!" Agent Spencer waved over Fred's shoulder and smiled brightly, the papers once more underneath his arm.

I suddenly became aware of my appearance: shorts, baggy sweatshirt, messy bun, and makeup all over my face. Not to mention the large bowl of melted ice cream...

"Agent Spencer," I mumbled as I tried to sink into the background and remain unnoticed.

"You can call me Max," he said cheerfully.

Fred, fully aware I wasn't going to respond, spoke for me. "Max, won't you come in?"

Max jumped slightly. "Yes, thank you." He moved quickly and clumsily, his long, skinny legs too big for his body. "I actually stopped by because I didn't know if Agent Porter wanted to go over the case files." He spoke quickly, never pausing to take a breath. "I went to the library on the campus and I found all of these profiles and similar cases as well as the background on the school and the headmistress, though you probably know all about her," he added, directing his words towards Fred. "And I was looking over the-"

Did he always talk like that? So quickly and rapidly, his words blending together so much I could barely keep up with what he was saying?

"I'm sure Laura would love to talk with you about the case." Fred interrupted him, perhaps aware it was the only way to ensure Max took a breath.

Was he always going to make decisions for me?

I glared at Fred. "I'm not really up for it tonight, Agent Spencer."

I made my way to the balcony. My hands fumbled with the handle on the sliding door, hindering the dramatic exit I was going for, which only infuriated me more. As soon as I was outside, I slammed the door behind me and leaned against the railing, watching the street below. A taxi driver was yelling at a group of frat boys on the sidewalk, cursing at them as they laughed loudly and drunkenly.

The door opened behind me and I rolled my eyes. If Fred wanted to lecture me...

"I know I'm no Zachary Freeman." Max stood beside me and leaned against the railing.

His voice caught me off guard, but not as much as what he had said. His words filled me with guilt. So he knew I was embarrassed of him? I lowered my eyes, not able to look at him. I was such a coward, such a bratty, spoiled coward.

"I'm not strong and fearless. I'm not tall, dark, and handsome either." He paused. "But I do have pretty good hair."

Despite myself I smiled. He had a point. He did have pretty good hair. It was shiny and slightly long and had that disheveled-just-woke-up look so many people paid hundreds of dollars for at a salon. Involuntarily I moved to look at his hair and found him staring down at me, smiling.

"Zach used too much product in his hair," I teased.

"So I win?"

"Hmm," I hummed, studying his hair. He posed and I laughed. He may have been a worse model than I was. "Definitely."

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