Chapter 7

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Lisa's POV

It seems like a puzzle. I'm just not able to place the pieces in their right place.

Basically anyone who could help me is dead or adopted or a ghost.

Not to forget that I'm Tara's reincarnation. Whose help should I ask for?

Alexia wasn't there anymore.

"Please help me. I don't know why all of this is happening to me. Even if I belong to the Cyrus family, doesn't mean that I'll not help my real family."

"I'm here. What do you want?"

"I need your help. Honestly this whole adoption and killing stuff is making me crazy and I don't have the time to get into my family history. I read Katie's diary. It clearly shows that I have to go into the past." I said.

"Yes you have to go into the past.
The other realm. Where everyone is equally strong. While some like Wendy are the strongest of all because she has possessed so many spirits. Mine, Richard, sarah, John, Amelia, Katie, Riley.
It won't be easy Lisa. But you have to do it. Make all of us free."

" How can I do that? How should I visit the other realm? I asked.

"I'll take you along. Just hold my hand and close your eyes."


Hi there!
I know this was a boring update but you see...writer's block.
So I don't have many ideas coming up as for now.

And yes this book will be the last one in the series.

Also, please be patient.
I'm working on 5 books as for now.

So updating each and every one of them daily is not possible.

Happy Reading:)

Looking for Someone- Part 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ