26. The Invitation

Start from the beginning

"Whatever! Fine I'll go with you. Meet me at the Starbucks a few blocks away from the house. I'll be there around 2" Diana hang up

Diana's P.O.V

I hang up my phone and tried going back to sleep, but sadly I can't. Tara just ruin my beautiful nightmare. I turn around and saw Niall shirtless smirking at me.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing!" Niall replied

"What time is it?" I asked

"8?" Niall's answer was more of a question than an asnwer

"Fuck! I'm going to be late for work. Shit! Niall! Why didn't you wake me up?" I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom

"I was also asleep before your best friend called" Niall raises his arms indicating that his innocent

I took a quick shower and got out of the bathroom. I got my skinny jeans and plain white shirt and put them on. I straighten my hair and placed my favorite beanie hat on top of my head. I got my converse and put them on. Lastly, I got my phone, bag, car keys, and headed out.

I was rushing down the stairs when I accidentally slip. A guy luckily catches me. I pulled away from the guy's hold and fix my hair. Thank god! Good thing Niall caught me.

"Why such in a hurry, babe?" Niall asked

"My work starts in 30 minutes" Niall! Get out of my way! I fucking need to get to the Horan's Botique before 9

"Calm down! We own the place you're working at so it's not a problem that you're late" Niall said

"I don't give a fuck about it! My co-workers are telling other people about how I got the job, a girl said that because you are my boyfriend, and now you're saying everything will be alright" I said really fast "It's really unfair for them"

"I don't give a fuck either to what they say or think!" Niall exclaims

"Bye! Niall" I walk past Niall and he grab a hold of my hand

"I'll drive you there! Wait for me outside" Niall said

"No!" I refuse

"Yes! You're coming with me there" Niall said with a stern voice

"I have my own car" I complain

"You know I can make you come with me" Niall is getting serious

"Make me!" I cross my arms

Suddenly, Niall carried me bridal style and we headed out.

"Niall put me down" I shouted and can't stop moving so he will put me down

"In your dreams baby!" Niall chuckles

I stop from moving and connect our lips together. Niall's body immediately reacts. He slowly puts me down and I immediately pulled away. I started running headed to my car and immediately unlock it. I went in and lock the doors. Niall's face was priceless he has mix emotions. I think his annoyed, angry, or

I don't know.

I drove away and got into the Horan's Botique 5 minutes before 9. I grab a coffee on Helena's table, got my project, and went up to my office. I started doing my project and as usual I finish early. I went down to look for Helena.

"Hey Helena!" I smiled

"Hi!" she smiled back

"Is it your lunch time?" I asked

"Uh..yeah!" Helena smiled back looking at her wrist watch

"Wanna eat with me?" I suggest

"Sure!" she grabs her wallet, phone, and we headed out

We decided to go Italian. The restaurant is a few blocks away, so we decided to take a walk so that we can gaze around the place. We arrived at the restaurant in less than 30 minutes. When we went in, the smell of cheese immediately went in my nose.

"Table for two please!" I smiled at the waitress

"Come with me" she led us to our seats

Helena open the menu and we started looking at the dishes trying to choose what to eat, cause seriously if I only have loads of money like Niall I would order everything in the menu. Sadly, I'm not so I decided to go with lasagna.

"I'll have lasagna" I said and the lady writes it on her notepad

"I'll have pesto" Helena said

"Would you like some drinks?" The waitress asked

"Iced tea!" Helena and I said in unison

We both ended up laughing about it. The waitress walk away.

"So?" I tried to break the awkward silence

"I'm excited for the wedding" Helena squealed

"What wedding?" I asked curiously

"You know Nathan's cousin, Rich, is getting married this weekend" Helena explained

"Oh! I couldn't believe my only friends are all coming" I said

"What do you mean?" Helena asked

"Well, my best friend, Tara is coming with her boyfriend which happens to be Rich's cousin, and now look at you! You're also coming because your boyfriend is Rich's cousin as well" I chuckled "I am by the way is also coming, because Niall is Rich's best friend" Helena and I laugh

Our food finally came and we started eating. At the end, Helena insisted to pay but sadly she lose, cause I gave the money first. We went back to our work place and continued doing our work. After a few minutes pass by, my telephone started ringing so I pick it up and answer the phone call.

"Hello?" I said not sure what to say cause it's my first time to answer a call from the telephone here in my office

"Diana! Niall's going up to your office. I think he's gonna surprise you, but I'm telling you this so you won't be shock" Helena said

"That's why it's a surprise" I chuckle

"Dude! He has a gun with him. Do you think that's a good surprise?" Helena is more serious now

"Oh! Thanks for telling me!" I hang up the phone

Why did Niall brought a gun with him? Suddenly, the door flew open and Niall came in pointing the gun at me.

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