"My Lady!" A soft voice spoke up from behind you, and you recognized it as Maryana.

She insistantly helped you up by your arms, and brushed fervently at the gravel that had embedded itself in your knees. You had red dips and marks along your skin, and you ran your fingers over them, not really feeling the sting of the rawed skin.

"I had brought dinner to your quarters and was alarmed when I saw that you weren't there. Why are you out here in your night clothes?" She guided you inside by your arm, and you just looked over your shoulder back at the flower still hidden under the bush.

The brunette girl shook her head with disapproval as she saw how dirty your feet were from walking outside with no shoes on. "You should bathe, Lady Y/N."

She sat you down on a chair before walking over to the tub to draw a bath for you. You picked at your fingernails idly, watching the water fall as it poured in. When it was filled, Maryana turned to you and curtsied before leaving you to bathe. After dropping your nightgown to the floor, you stepped into the warm water, reveling in the feeling of it against your skin. You actually wanted nothing more than to search every room in the castle until you found Ethan, but Maryana, Leopold, and Sean were making sure you took care of yourself. It was sickening.

Knowing full well that Maryana would be waiting just outside your door, you laid your head back to started washing your hair. The least you could do was appear as if you were obliging. You could easily take out Maryana to get out, but you didn't want to do that. Besides, you would need to become more careful now, you thought as you rubbed your stomach.

You thought about what that baby would look like, if it would look more like you or more like Ethan. You hoped that it got Ethan's beautiful eyes and his endearing smile. Would it be a boy or a girl? What would you even name it?

The more you thought about the life growing inside you, the more despaired you got, this baby needed its' father. You couldn't let him go as easy as you were.

Standing up, you wrapped a towel tightly around your form and quickly tried to dry your hair as you threw on a dress with your holsters underneath. Rushing over to your vanity, you brushed out your hair and put on shoes. You realized you would need your daggers before you attempted anything, and had to figure out how to get by Maryana. Your eyes landed on the tray of food and drink, and got an idea. You quickly reached out to knock it to the floor, and the clatter caused Maryana to check in on you worriedly.

"Oh, My Lady! I'll clean this up and get you another serving. Wait here." She promised, picking up the tray out of the mess of soup and other food.

You waited for the servant to leave, then slipped out the door in the opposite direction of her. As you passed by rooms, you would peer into them to see if maybe Ethan was in any of them. He wasn't. You finally made it outside, and rushed to the weapons shed. Throwing open the door, you were surprised to see that nobody was in it; you thought that they would at least have one guard guarding all their weapons.

With a shrug, you saw your daggers glinting on the table beside the whetstone. Somebody had set them down haphazardly after they were taken fom you, and you wrapped your fingers around the worn leather hilt again. They were beautiful. You felt your strength flow back into you, you felt more connected to Ethan again. He had given you these, they used to be his mother's. They were so valuable to him, and now to you.

Clenching your fists, you steeled your nerves and left the weapons shed, daggers secured against your thigh. The familiar feeling of the hilt against your skin assured you of your capabilities. You could this. Whatever this was. You still weren't quite sure what you would do once you found Ethan.

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