Chapter 3

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    I was grabbed by the wrist and was walked into the room by the lady I was talking to earlier. She pointed to a seat below three huge chairs. I gulped and took a seat. As I sat down, Joy climbed into a chair, the handsome man I saw earlier climbed into the chair, and another man appeared in the chair out of no where. His voice was loud and booming. " Jade, do you know why you are here, in the realm of angels?" He asked his voice demanding. " No" I squeaked out hurriedly. He chuckled " You have a mission." He stated. 

    " The locket you found, it will allow you to go back twenty days before the crash and you will have time to get to know him and maybe save him. If you don't then there will be consequences." He spoke loudly. My eyes grew wide and I started to freak out " What do you mean there will be consequences if I don't save him, I'm too scared to talk to him!" I yelled out of nervousness." "You don't want to know or see" he said frowning " Save him, please" the handsome man pleaded. " He was my son and he didn't deserve to die this early in life." He said softly. "I will try my best, but I can't promise" I told the man. 

    " It's time to transport you back" Joy said. Joy snapped her fingers and I awoke in my room exactly at midnight. I looked around nothing wasn't out of ordinary. Was it just a dream? Nope. Definitely not. I set my alarm for 5:30 in the morning so I had time to get ready for school. This whole thing was going to be hard. I had to try. I slowly drifted to sleep. 



My alarm went off and I got up shutting it off. I slowly walked to the bathroom so I could get a shower. I walked in the shower and got my shampoo, coconut scented Justin's favorite. I washed my hair and all my body with my coconut scented things. I rung out my hair and wrapped it up in a towel. I wrapped a towel around me and walked into my room locking my already shut door. I walked over to my closet and picked out leather skinny jeans, a white shirt, leather jacket, and combat boots. I threw on all my clothes and began to do my make-up.  

    I did my winged eyeliner with a smokey eyeshadow. I put on my signature red lipstick and squirted on my coconut perfume. I got my phone and my school bag and walked out the door. I walked out to my truck and cranked it up. I turned the radio to the popular hits. I backed out of the drive-way and made my way to school smiling the whole way there remembering my mission I had to complete within twenty days. I turned into the school parking lot and found a parking space. I parked and turned off my truck. Today was a new start.

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