Chapter 1

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I breathe, my lungs expanding as I do so, my hand at the ready to jot down notes. I ignore the prickling feel of someone staring at me, my face blushing from the unwanted 'attention' I'm gaining.

As soon as the teacher touches the whiteboard with his marker, I have my hand at attention, ready to start copying the notes. What I don't realise is that this particular teacher is a slow writer, and that it will take him time to finish one problem. Another problem is that he stands in front of the board, impairing my view of the equations he writes.

I don't say anything, it would be too embarrassing and I'd rather be buried alive than raise my hand in public.

'Sir?' a person says into the silent air of studious listening, 'How does this equation help us? With everyday matters, I mean.'

'Maths is an everyday subject used in all types of. . .'

I let my ears follow along with the teacher's speech while my mind wanders elsewhere. My eyes decide to glance outside the window, which wins me the sight of a strange looking guy. He's walking with the Korean teacher, Miss Abraham, towards, what I presume anyway, the Korean classroom which is up above the Math classrooms. He looks. . . nice, I guess.

'Alana!' Mr Wells yells for attention, snapping my head back to him and his Mathematical speech. 'Stop daydreaming, you're in class right now, so concentrate.'

I can hear the rest of the class titter in the background, a snort and a few giggles emanating from their smirking mouths. I hang my head, my hair hiding my blushing cheeks as I do so, my pencil scraping answers to the Mathematical problems I'm supposed to have answered before.

Even after the teacher turns his attention away from me, my classmates are still laughing about the incident. I can hear a few whispers behind me as I hunch my shoulders from nervousness and tension.

Too Shy | Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now