As I'm working on homework...
I get a text from Justin Miss you even though we are literally in the same city.
I text back When are you coming back?
He texts back Soon! Doing an interview for a radio station first though!
I text back Which one?!?!?
He texts back 96.7 - you can listen in!

I open the radio app and I click 96.7 for Justin. I ask "Hey. Can I turn the volume on my phone for the radio? Apparently Justin is doing an interview." She replies "Of course. I'm interested in this." I laugh and I turn the volume up. The song, Uptown Funk is on right now! Ah! Love Bruno Mars!

The radio announcer says "Okay up next we have a live interview from a special guest." The next voice says "Hi everyone it's Justin Bieber." The announcer asks "What brings you to our station this afternoon?" Justin answers "I wanted to connect more with fans and let them know I'm doing well. I know the media portrays me a certain way and I hope you, fans, out there accept me for who I am." Aw how sweet! The announcer says "I completely agree. So, tell us what are you working on recently." Justin answers "Honestly I have been relaxing in my home in Los Angeles most recently, but I have news that will be announced shortly on my Twitter and Instagram. Pay attention and you will see what I have been planning the past few months." The announcer responds "Awesome Justin. We can't wait to hear what else you do soon. Now we are going to ask callers to call in and we will answer two questions." One caller asks if Justin has been taking time for himself recently and he tells them "I think most recently I have been helping myself and making sure I am happy both on the inside & outside." The next caller tells Justin that his acoustic concert was amazing last summer to which Justin responds "That was an amazing concert and I'm so glad I was able to do it last summer. Who knows what this summer will bring?" The announcer ends the interview and I turn the radio off.

I text Justin Great job in the interview! I'm glad you're happy my love!
He texts back Thanks. Now I get to face lots of fans outside the station. Need anything?
I ask Alexis "Do we need Justin to pick anything up?" She answers "He could pick us each up a Starbucks. I'll take an iced passion tango tea." I nod and I reply "Ooh that sounds really good."
I text back Alexis wants you to pick us up Starbucks. She wants an iced passion tango tea & I want a strawberry refresher. Thanks!!!!

I continue working on homework. I finish my stuff for Monday and most of what I have due Tuesday. Yay! Alexis and I both decide to do the dishes until I hear a knock on the door. I run over and I open the door. It's Justin!! Ah!! Yay!! He comes in and he hands me my keys. I set my keys in my bedroom as Justin brings the drinks to the kitchen. He sets them down and we sit down. I kiss him on the cheek and I say "Thanks for buying these for us." Alexis adds "Yeah we really needed something delicious." He asks "So, did both of you listen to my interview?" Alexis answers "Yeah we turned it up and listened. I am so glad to hear that you are about to announce something exciting." He asks "Want to know what it is?" She exclaims "I don't think it would be fair for me to know before everyone else. I understand if you tell Clarissa, but me, no." He replies "Well come on, you have to have some perks of being friends with Justin Bieber's girlfriend." She replies "Well then alright. Tell me." He says "I'm going on tour next year in March." She jumps up and starts spinning around. Haha! Justin asks "What is it with girls excitement and jumping?" I laugh. Oh Justin!

We finish our drinks and I bring my stuff to my room. As I set my stuff down, my door closes and Justin walks in. He says "I have something to tell you Clarissa." I nod and I sit on my bed. He stands in front of me and says "I know we were broken up and we are back together. To me, that shows that our love can conquer anything. I know how media & paparazzi both take part in our lives in attempt to destroy us. One thing I find the most supportive is having you in my life no matter the moment. With you, I know the world is wonderful. If you want to, would you consider moving into my Los Angeles home after graduation? I know we aren't engaged and we have crazy lives. I understand if you go do photoshoots with people while I'm at meetings all day. I would just love to have you around." OMG! Honestly it would be amazing since so many people live up there, which could increase my photography skills. I do want to take pictures and get experience before tour. I ask "Would you mind if when my plane comes back here I drive to your house? I want to keep my car." He asks "So, yes, you will stay with me?" I nod and reply "Of course I will." He says "You have no idea how happy I am now. I am okay with you driving here although it will be a long road trip." I nod and reply "Yeah it is 20 hours, which means I will probably stop midway at a hotel." He asks "Will if be safe?" I answer "Yeah it should be. Is someone worried?" He blushes and turns his face. He replies "No I'm not." I stand up and I put my hand on his face. I whisper in his ear "Is my cutie worried about me? I love you." I kiss him on the cheek and he faces me again. He whispers "I love you too babe."

At night, we order pizza. We eat dinner while watching a movie. Chill way to end the weekend!

Justin and I change into pajamas. We get in bed and I ask "When do you leave?" He answers "Tomorrow morning at like 7." I reply "I can drive you. We can wake up by 6:15. My classes will start by the time I'm back here." He asks "Are you sure about that? You'll be tired and you might not like it." I answer "Of course I want to bring you. Wouldn't you?" He answers "Yeah I would. Okay I'll set an alarm."

I text Alexis I'm bringing J to the airport at 6, so no breakfast and I can pick you up before classes if you'd like.
She texts back Nah. I'll catch a ride with someone else. Can you bring me back here after though?
I text back Yes of course!!

I close my phone and I turn it off. I ask "Did you set the alarm and turn the ringer up?" He answers "Yeah for 6:15" I reply "Okay well let's sleep." He replies "Okay." I turn off my lamp and I cuddle next to Justin. He whispers "I love you forever. Night." I whisper back "Love you."

Monday April 24

I wake up to the alarm buzzing and I reach over. I turn it off and I shake Justin awake. He wakes up and groans. I whisper "Morning." He whispers back "Hi. I wish I didn't have to go. I forgot to tell you I'm going to eat at the airport." I whisper back "Okay. Come on, let's get up." He whispers back "Alright." We get up and I grab clothes. I walk to the bathroom and I change. I decided to wear black leggings and a t-shirt along with converse. I put my hair up in a ponytail and I walk out the bathroom. Justin says "I'm almost ready." I put my laptop and my school binders in my backpack. I grab my backpack, keys, and my phone. Justin grabs his bags and we leave the room. We walk out my apartment and we get inside my car.

We start driving to the airport. I turn the radio on low. I ask "So, do I get my own room or do I stay with you?" He answers "I want you to stay in my room. I mean I completely understand if you want to stay in a separate room." I reply "I'll stay in your room if you let me put my stuff in a closet or dresser or something like that." He replies "Of course of course. I'll FaceTime you one day and you can tell me how much space you will need. I'm so glad you said yes. I think part of me thought you would say no and that you would never want to stay with me. You know everyone has inner conflicts." I reply "Yeah. Well tell your inner conflicts that I'm in love with you and I'm not planning to leave you ever." He laughs and replies "I love your love." I laugh and I say "Well we are taking the exit to the airport now. Any last words?" He answers "I love you. You're the most amazing girlfriend and I wish this summer would come quicker. I'm going to try to show up for graduation or maybe just wait until summer. I haven't decided whether or not." I reply "Okay. Oh that reminds me, am I supposed to say we are dating? Or keep it hidden or confidential?" He answers "Honestly I want to tell the world and yell it anywhere and everywhere that you are mine. But, the media is a horrible thing." I ask "So, what do you suggest we do?" He answers "We tell the world we are dating, so they can come to terms with it and they can all accept it. F*** everyone else who is hating on us. Tell your parents we are back on and I'll tell my mother. Let your friends know and remember I love you. So, when I'm getting out of the car, you get out and we kiss goodbye." I reply "Alright I'm in. I can tell you this won't be easy." He adds "But at least we will be facing this together... at least in the sense we both face the media's hate not that we are in the same city." I nod and reply "Don't worry I got it." I pull into the drop-off lane and Justin gets out. I park the car and I leave it running. I walk back and I kiss him. He takes his bags and I wave. I run back and get inside the car. I start the car again and I drive off. Guess we're back ....

Late night update! Yay!
My summer is soon... literally after this week, I'm in summer. The updates could get more frequent & better I hope! Haha!!
Remember Clarissa & her friends are seniors!!!!!!!!


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