xxi. a good life.

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a/n: i promised a fic every day of the week so here we are again!!! i've been having so much fun writing a lil fic every single day and i hope you guys are enjoying reading them!! this rucas fic week has gotten me back into the swing of writing and kind of jump started my writing again, for which i am #grateful. i'm so thankful for the 11.2k reads i have on this book, so thank you guys all so much!!! enjoy this one (i'm not as proud of this one but what can you do) and lemme know what you think!!

day five prompt: "future - jump past the canon world we know and take a shot at where these losers will be down the road"


"What would you do if you had a time machine?" Lucas asked, popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth and leaning back into the cushions of the couch.

Riley hummed in thought, considering the question. The pair had just finished watching Back to the Future, Lucas had been shocked when Riley revealed that she had never seen it before, quite the role reversal in their relationship. They had the apartment to themselves, with her parents out on a date and Auggie with Doy for the evening, and were enjoying the time alone.

"I'm not sure, what would you do?" Riley asked, turning the question around, causing Lucas to sigh, a light laugh escaping her lips. "I swear I'm not just asking because I have no idea, I really wanna know."

"Yeah yeah, I don't believe you." Lucas joked, flicking a piece of popcorn at her. She giggled, dodging the kernel. "But, I think I would go back, not to change anything. Just to see what it was like."

"You wouldn't want to go into the future? See what to expect when you get older?" She asked, genuinely curious. Riley was pretty sure she wanted to see the future, she wanted to know what life was going to look like, what to prepare herself for.

"Nah." Lucas shrugged slightly, moving his arm on the couch so that it was draped over her shoulder. "I've learned a lot of interesting stuff in your dad's class, I wanna be able to see some of it."

"I guess that makes sense." Riley noted, leaning her head back onto Lucas' shoulder, smiling softly. "I just figure, I know all about the past, I'll just be seeing things I already know."

"You really aren't scared of venturing into the unknown?"

"Not really...." Riley sighed, closing her eyes and sighing contently. "Besides, I have a feeling that the future is going to be pretty great, so I'm not afraid."

"What makes you so sure?"

Riley shrugged, humming softly. She wasn't exactly so sure what it was that told her that she had no reason for concern when she thought about her future, but for some reason, whenever she thought forward, her vision was nothing but delightful.

"Not sure, what about you. Are you scared of the future? Is that why you don't want to go there?" Riley asked, lacing their fingers together by her shoulder. Lucas grinned softly at her, biting his lip.

"Nah. I'm not scared of the future." Lucas said, and Riley could practically hear the smirk in his voice, even though she wasn't looking at him. Riley only snorting softly in response, nudging her head against his shoulder.

"Well, if you're not scared of it, why don't you want to visit it?"

"You're saying all this like we have a real time machine, and that we're going to be time hopping on our next date."

"We're having fun, just go along with it." Riley said, smacking Lucas' chest with her lazily. Lucas laughed, grabbing her hand and pressing a kiss to her palm.

"Wanna know the real reason I'm not scared of the future, but also not in any rush to see what it's like?" Riley nodded against his shoulder.

"Yes, of course."

"Because, I know that you're my future, so no matter what it is, I know that it's going to be good." Lucas whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "It doesn't matter where I end up, or what I actually end up doing, if we're together then my future is going to be pretty good."

Riley smiled, biting her lip slightly as she turned so she could look at him. Leaning forward, she pressed a small kiss to his lips, nudging their foreheads together. There were a few moments of silent peacefulness between them, and Riley's heart soared in her chest.

"Really?" She asked, her voice soft and quiet. Lucas smiled, nuzzling their noses together. Riley couldn't help but giggle, pulling away slightly.

"Yeah, really." Lucas said, holding her face in his hand. "I used to be scared of what was going to happen to me, there was a while when I was scared of the future. But then, I met you and I realized that as long as I had you in my life, then I probably was gonna be okay."

Riley blushed, even after three years of being together, and two years of knowing that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, it still amazed her that he felt the same way about her as she did about him. She knew that it shouldn't, their love for each other had never been anything she had questioned, but hearing it vocalized by him gave her butterflies.

"Well, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that that will happen." Riley said with a small smile, pressing a small kiss to Lucas' cheek. "I've been sure about that for years."

"I would like to know when flying cars are going to be invented though." Lucas said after a beat of silence, causing Riley to giggle. Lucas merely smirked, tossing another piece of popcorn at her. Riley felt a bubble of happiness float in her stomach, and she hoped to god this feeling never went away.

Who knew what was going to happen in the future, but Riley was absolutely sure that as long as she had Lucas, she had nothing to be worried about.


"Riley, how long have you been in here?" Lucas whispered from the doorway, raising his eyebrow at her. Riley shrugged, refusing to take her eye off what she was staring so intently at.

"Doesn't matter." She whispered. Lucas merely smirked, walking into the room and wrapping his arm around her waist, pressing a kiss into her hair.

"They're pretty great, aren't they?" Lucas said softly into her ear, now too rendered unable to look at anything else but the two babies sleeping in the crib. Riley tore her eyes away from them for a quick moment to meet his eyes, a wide smile on her face, before directing her attention back to the twins.

Violet and Josie Grace Friar-Matthews were no doubt the greatest thing that both Riley and Lucas had ever done in their entire life, and Lucas could have stood there all day and looked at them. Lucas thought that they were the most beautiful babies that had ever existed on the planet, true he was a little biased, but he also was telling the absolute truth.

It amazed him, how far him and Riley had come, how much they had gone through to get to this moment. But, now that they were there, he wouldn't have changed any of it for the world. College, their life in California together, the wedding, it had all led them right here to this moment, their moment. Their family's moment.

"You okay?" Riley asked softly, shaking Lucas from his thoughts. Lucas smiled at her, feeling nothing but warm happiness in his heart, and love running from the top of his head to the tips of the his toes.

"I've never been happier."

And it was true, he had been right all along. As long as he had Riley, life was good.

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