Chapter 1

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"Loneliness is my least favorite thing about life. The thing that I'm most worried about is just being alone without anybody to care for or someone who will care for me." ~ Anne Hathaway 


Have you ever gone through a day without talking to anyone? I get in those moods a lot. Where I can't seem to find the strength or willpower to start a conversation, so I don't speak to anyone. If someone were to try to talk to me, I'd talk back, of course. It's not like I get involved in conversations often.

I think the sad part is, nobody tries to talk to me. It's either I talk to them, or I'm just 'that girl who sits in the back'.

The bell rang, grabbing me and lurching me out of my thoughts. I shake my head slightly, grabbing my books off my desk and shoving them hastily into my bag.

Kids file out of the classroom, talking loudly to each other and laughing at jokes that hold no meaning to me.

I wish I could have that with someone.

I sighed, entering the crowded hall and locating the easiest way for me to weave through the crowds to the door, I really want to go home.

As I expertly made my way through the hall, I bumped into a girl on accident.

She turned to me, eyes wide, profusely apologizing "Sorry!"

"No, it's okay. Sorry as well." I mumble, walking away without a word. I knew her name, almost everyone did. CJ Martin. She wasn't like the cliché popular girls, or whatever they were. But she did have friends. She was with one of them all the time, laughing, being stupid as teenagers should, and just having fun.

Today, for example, she was playfully pulling a friend away from another, and they both tripped over a chair. Onto the ground. In exactly the middle of a crowded cafeteria, the chair hitting the ground with a loud band. Tons of people looked or stood up to see what happened, but instead of blushing with embarrassment, the two of them burst out laughing. To the point where tears collected in CJ's eyes.

That's the kind of friendship I really wished I had. My 'dream' friendship if you will. I feel like memories would be more worth while if you lived life that way.

I bit my lip, finally making it to the doors of the school and walking out, just another day to mark off on the calendar.

Exciting events?

Well. I bumped into CJ Martin. I think that's about it. Otherwise, everything else was kind of the same.

I live pretty systematically, you see. I do the same routine every day. And yeah, routine is great and all but. If you do the same thing every day, well, that's it. You do the same thing every day. The memories, there is nothing unique.

I'm all about memories. I feel like..that's what keeps people living, the memories they have.

I have some pretty great ones, actually. From elementary school. Even some from my middle school, where I had more friends than I knew what to do with. But, moving schools doesn't always ensure a good social status.

Of course, with my luck, I got put near the bottom of the totem pole. Not exactly the last, because those kids are bullied. But, hovering near the bottom, where people just don't pay attention to you.

I pushed towards my car, eyeing the car right next to mine. Two people sat outside of it, one on their phone and the other smiling as birds passed overhead.
Here we have it folks, the people at the top of the totem pole.

The hot Samson Daniels, and his stunning girlfriend, Jordan Sparks. They actually were both pretty nice, from what I'd seen. I guess Samson was a big player, cheating on Jordan and such. While Jordan just kind of let it happen, smiling and continuing her life. Of course, something had to make her one of the Queens at our school.

4.0 GPA, Student Body President, and the captain of our dance team. Basically, she was perfect. I had no idea how she got thrown in with Samson Daniels, but I guess it doesn't matter.

It was just high school after all.

Only one of the most important times of your life.


Usually people in the stories I've read, they have at least one friend. That one friend that they text all the time, or hang out with on the weekends.

Yeah, I don't have that.

I have maybe two or three people I can talk to in class, but that's about it. Most of the time, I'm just quiet and listening to music in the back of the class.

I sighed, pulling out of the lot and driving away from the building of loneliness.

You think, surrounded by all those people, you'd feel less alone. Well, me..I feel more alone.

I think when you feel alone, or loneliness, it's all subjective. I mean, so what if people are on each side of you.

If they mean nothing to you, and you nothing to them, they might as well be inanimate objects, or a reality tv show blaring. They provide no comfort, no sense of being with someone. They're just background noise.

It sucks to think I'm always alone.

I'm Rebecca Davis, and I guess you can say, that, despite having a name, my real name..

Is Nobody.

Simply NobodyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon