Part 3

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Clay looks back into my eyes, making my heart beat, next thing I know, there's spit on my face then a push. I stumble back and wipe off my face, I get pissed. I push him back "I went easy on you Jensen" I huff not really knowing what I was doing and he knew it. Clay just chuckles "what are you gonna do Padilla? Do what you did to that guy in the vacant lot?" he says in a husky voice. "He was hurting my sister you douche bag" I breathe heavily clenching my fists. Clay rolled his eyes and punched me across the face when I was least expecting it. I stumble and held my bleeding lip, he punched me again, then again. I cough and spit out blood onto the hard floors of this shitty school. He grabbed my shoulders and kneed me in the stomach, making me groan and hunch over. Right then i look up and back into his eyes "you love me" i whisper tears welling in my eyes "you're gay" I whisper. Clay breathes heavily, how did he know? was it just his gay logic?, He kicks me in the head knocking me out. 

Just give me a chance~ClonyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя