Chapter Thirteen

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"It's not like I don't already know that he hurt you."

"Yes, but you can't know how."

"I'd like to."


"Because I woke up and I see that scar and I think the absolute worst. It's driving me crazy."

I finally look over at him. "I don't like to talk about it."

"I know. And I won't bring it up again."

His eyes are cautious, but persistent, not leaving mine for a moment. I'm the first one to look away, resting my cheek back against the mattress, breathing in slowly, steeling myself for the memories that will come flooding back.

"He was drunk. He had found a way into the apartment, I still don't know how. He was- angry. He had seen me get into a car with a man. I tried to tell him that he was just a friend but since I had been pulling away from him for a while, he- thought I was cheating on him." I blink, remembering when I turned on the light to the living room, jumping in shock when I saw John, sitting on the couch. "I tried to-to end it then. I told him that he had changed... that he wasn't the same man anymore."

"Things began to escalate. We started yelling and he just snapped... H-he rounded the couch and I ran. I-I tried to get to the kitchen but he got me." I flinch as I remember the sharp sting from his hand on my cheek, feeling like I'm going to be sick. I feel Henry's lips on my skin, gentle.

"I don't remember much after that b-but... I managed to get to the door. He grabbed my hair and hit my head into the door." I breathe in, blinking away the tears of fear, remembering that I'm nowhere near John or New York. "A-Anyways, I pretty much lost consciousness after that. I woke up when my aunt found me."

"God, Mia, I'm so sorry," he breathes, moving till his face is parallel to mine. He lifts our entwined hands to his lips, kissing softly. "That was... worse than I had imagined."

"My aunt told me that there was a... pool of blood around my head. She thought I was dead. The doctors said I could have been, if she hadn't found me... that's why she's so protective of me."

He nods, eyes wide. "I can understand that... Did he come to you in the hospital- to sign the agreement?"

I shake my head, humming darkly. "No. His father was already at the hospital when we arrived in the ambulance. He has a way of scaring the shit out you when he wants to. I wasn't even fully conscious when we got to the doors but he got to me before doctors could, pretending to be caring and worried. He actually was threatening me if I spoke a word of the truth. He said he would destroy Ida's life, that she would be forced to live on the streets- after he was done. I told the doctors I fell down the stairs and hit my head."

"Fucking prick."

I nod. "My aunt and I signed while I was still in the hospital. John never came."

Henry shakes his head, grinding his teeth together. I run my thumb along his.

"I didn't see him again until- actually, the night before I traveled here."

Henry blinks. "What? You mean, you saw him a few weeks ago? Where? Why?"

"He said he came to apologize. He told me he had no idea about the agreement and that he was glad I hadn't told anyone about what happened... he told me he still loved me and wanted me to-to forgive him. He said he had made a mistake."

"A mistake?" Henry breathes, angrily. "You fucking bet he made a mistake. God, I wish I could meet this man, I really do."

I shake my head. "He's out of my life. I'm just glad for it."

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