Chapter One: Arrival Part 1(Dear Diary)

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Dear Diary, 

It's been exactly three years since I've written in you...oops!

      Well, today I'm only writing in you for one reason. One. And after I write this, I'll throw you away or something. Alright? So don't get all pissed off you end up in a trash bag...maybe in my dog's stomach...who knows?! 

    I'm going to get rid of you after I write this because...I shouldn't keep the memory. I just need to get this out before I go crazy. But, it's something only I and that one guy should know...unless he's forgotten...

   Alright here's what has happened:

          About a day or two ago....I was walking home, alone. And I thought I heard someone speaking. Which I did, but at the time I was a bit...paranoid? It was dark, very dark and very quiet. I was alone, remember that! 

    There was a sound. Someone or something was there. Watching me? No... They were hiding from someone or something. The fear. The fear they had filled the air. Though, they were watching my every step. Understand why I felt so afraid? The feeling of being watched is a bitch. A pain in the ass. 

       Anyways, other than my complaints of being so scared.....back to my earlier subject... Alright, so as I was walking home, I tripped. Over a stick? I still don't know. Honestly, I think it was a person who was so drunk they passed out in the woods. (I was walking by the woods, yes. I'm just that weird..) 

     After tripping, I fell...of course. So, I was laying flat on the grassy yet muddy ground. And then a hand dropped in front of my eyes. (Not literally you stupid Diary...-___-) "Are you okay?" A guy's voice hit my ears, still ringing ears from the drop to the ground. He helped me up. My elbow was covered with blood and my skinny jeans were covered in mud and alreayd faded out grass stains. "I'm sorry..." He said softly in my ear. I looked over my shoulder just enough to get a slight glimpse of his face just before he left.

    Boom! Done. That's kinda all I needed to get off my chest. Well...I don't think it's all that bad, now that I remind myself of that day...WAIT A MINUTE! -facepalms myself- This happened an hour ago...Well, this isn't worth throwing away. You got lucky, Stupid Diary. Peace out bro! *Winks and closes Stupid Diary*             Sincerely, your buddy that you dislike because I always call you stupid; ~Ash

Hiya everyone! Hope ya enjoyed this first chapter of 'The Way I Am'!!! If you want me to update this when I can, leave a comment and let me know! 

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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Last 10 Days of My Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें