Public displays of Nick Jonas

Start from the beginning

I sat on the couch, watching Demi, angrily, pressing buttons on her remote. "So we're watching tv today? That's how we're enjoying each other?" I asked, leaning on the arm of the couch on my hand.

Demi snapped her head to look at me. "Well we aren't having sex. Did you have something else in mind?"

I shook my head. "Not really. We can write a song. We haven't done that in a while."

"I really don't think you want me writing a song with you right now, given my state of mind." She laughed, sarcastically.

I sighed. "Watching tv it is." I got comfortable on the couch, slipping my shoes off & folding my legs on the couch beside me. After a few minutes of watching Demi flip through channels, I spoke again. "I'm sorry if it upsets you that I don't have a specific day that I'm breaking up with Olivia. I explained it to you already. I have to have a reason. And she practically lives with me, so it's more complicated. She doesn't have her own place, so it's not going to be just a conversation. It's going to be a huge transition."

Demi stared straight ahead. After a few minutes, she softened her expression a bit, then looked at me. "I know. I'm sorry. I just can't wait for us to be together again. I mean for real, committed to only each other."

"You want that, then? You want to commit to each other? No doubt in your mind?" I asked, cautiously.

"Once you break up with Olivia & I know you really want to be with me & don't just want to keep fucking me, I will jump for joy."

"Good." I grinned, staring into her eyes. Her smile got big & cheesy as she crawled to lay on me. We curled up to watch tv for a bit. It was hard thinking of things to do, that day, that wouldn't make us want to have sex. We cooked dinner together, which was fun, but still arousing. We watched some slapstick comedy that night before we went to bed. It took a lot of restraint to not have sex while I was holding Demi's gorgeous body in my arms as we fell asleep, but I managed.

I woke up to my phone ringing & tried to answer it, quickly, so I wouldn't wake Demi. She was lying on my shoulder next to me, her hand resting on my chest. "Hello?" I whispered, not even knowing who was calling since my eyes could barely focus in the semi dark room.

"Good morning, babe!" Olivia's voice bellowed through the phone. Jesus, she was too loud too early in the morning.

"Mornin." I was still whispering, trying to sit up without waking Demi.

Olivia laughed. "Why are you whispering?"

Shit. "My cousin is staying here since they're in town for the wedding. I don't want to wake him." I was getting really good at this covering my ass shit. I slid out from under Demi's hand & sat up on the edge of the bed.

"Are you picking me up from the airport tomorrow?" Olivia asked.

"Yea. What time?"

"My flight gets in at 3."

"Okay." I stood up & walked to where my clothes were on a chair. "I'll be there."

"Do you miss me? I miss you."

"Of course I miss you." I said, glancing at Demi as she slept on the bed. God, she looked beautiful with her pink hair cascading around her face & her face relaxed as she breathed, quietly.

"I love you, Nick." Olivia sighed.

"I love you, too." I said, staring at Demi. Those words were for her.

"I've been pretty horny, too. We are having some sexual relations the minute we get home tomorrow." Her voice was low & enticing & I did feel my member twitch a little. I was a guy. I couldn't help it. Sex with anything was exciting for dudes. "Tell me how bad you want me." She said, slowly.

I swallowed as I made my way to the bedroom door. I couldn't let Demi hear me. Just as I stepped outside Demi's bedroom, I said in a low voice, "I want you soooo bad I can taste it." I cringed from saying it, but I had to keep up this act in order for it to go well when I finally would break up with her.

Olivia giggled. "Oh you still got some of me in your mouth huh?"

Where the hell was this coming from? Olivia didn't do this. It hit me that she was probably fearful of the time I spent with Demi. "Yea. Listen, Liv, I gotta go. I gotta get ready for the wedding." We said our goodbyes & I went back in the room. I sucked in my breath when I saw Demi sitting up in bed, her face covered with sadness. "Hey." I said, smiling, nervously.

"You weren't quiet enough." She narrowed her eyes at me with disgust as she got out of bed.

"I'm sorry."

"Just get dressed & go. I don't want to look at you right now." Demi spat at me.

"Demi." I went to reach for her & she slapped my hand away as she glared at me.

"Don't. You know what, Nick? I don't think you really want to break up with her. You want your cake & eat it too. I see no signs that you have any intention of dumping her?" Her hands were balled into fists as her eyes angrily looked into mine, glistening with tears.

"Don't do this right before we have to say goodbye." I begged.

Demi's head started shaking, her chin trembling. "If you really wanted to be with me & knew you didn't want to be with her anymore, you'd break up with her. I'm not going to be the other woman, Nick." Her hand came up to wipe her tears. "So you think about it over the next few days & show me you want to be with me & not her. I don't want to see any public displays of Nick Jonas. I'm done with that shit. It makes me sick to be quite honest, but whatever. Don't be here when I come out of the bathroom unless you plan on calling her right now & dumping her over the phone. I'll see you in Jersey next week." Demi stomped into her bathroom. I wasn't ready to break up with Olivia. I had to do this right. I certainly wasn't doing it over the phone. I put my clothes on & left, reluctantly. I had to lose my arm candy so I could be with the woman I loved.

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