After a while there were no more tears. Louisa righted herself and sniffed. Hot streams were searing her cheeks. She looked at Ashley who was also composing herself and Louisa saw her bright red nose. Oh no, her own must be looking the exact same way. "Ashley, can you please do something for my nose? It must look terrible."

The maid sniffed and quickly went to the vanity to find some powder to dab on the nose of the bride. She gave a small smile while she tried to undo the worst damage. "A little crying is not so bad. It turns your eyes bright and your lips red."

Louisa laughed. It was always like Ashley to find the positive in a situation. "If only I actually had some lips to turn red! Now, this is why I wanted you to prepare me for my wedding and not some other of my friends. They can see me when I am ready to smile and pretend everything is in order."

Louisa had been sad to realize that not one of the girls she had considered her friends would in any way understand her turmoil. Not a single woman from the Society was not under the impression that Louisa was the most fortunate of women, having accomplished an actual engagement with a man of such status. Many of them were madly in love with the man and would gladly have taken her place. She would just as gladly have let them.

No, her maid of all people was the one to understand her and help her through these miserable months. Louisa would indeed miss her.

Ashley gave her mistress's hand a little squeeze. "I just hope you will remember to dispatch your old maid a letter once in a while. I should like to know how you fare."

Louisa grinned slightly. "Expect to be buried in them!"

A series of knocks sounded on the door. Ashley's expression turned indifferent and she turned to pretend to be occupied with the last details. Louisa knew that she was quite ready and she turned her face towards the door. At least it was not her mother, but probably her bridesmaids. She drew the veil over her head. No one was to see her face anymore before the ceremony. "Enter," she called, forcing a smile into her voice.

The door opened and three young women, two brunettes and a blonde, entered the room. Each of them looked absolutely refined. The bridesmaids were dressed in gowns made from the same material but fitted specifically to each one, while they also wore different jewelry.  The blonde wore a sky blue sash over her dress along with a simple silver pendant around her neck. One brunette wore a green sash and had donned a pearl necklace almost choking her slender neck. The other brunette had draped a pink sash over her arms and around her neck was an elaborate piece with three rows of chains going to a grand golden circle studded with pearls.

Each of these beauties came in with loud, shrill squeals as they took in the appearance of their friend. The blonde, Mary, rushed over and grabbed the hands of the bride and spread them wide while she appreciated the dress of her friend. "Oh, Louisa, you look absolutely marvelous! I cannot fathom that you are getting married today!"

Louisa tried patiently to send a smile at the freckled beauty before her. Mary was much of what Louisa envied. She had the most dazzling smile, daintily pink cheeks and two big blue eyes. She was the belle wherever she went and was already engaged to be married though only being fifteen, two years younger than Louisa herself.

"Neither can I, Mary." She could not say anymore if she was supposed to keep herself composed. Mary was not much more than a child, how could she possibly understand what Louisa was feeling?

The two brunettes were closing in as well. The green clad, Emily, and the pink, Lydia, started dancing around Louisa, admiring her entire outfit. Louisa could feel Ashley withdraw and she felt sad. Ashley should have been allowed to enjoy the festivities, but the maid knew her place and she would follow the rules.

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