"O-ohayou gozaimasu, Echizen-san," She greeted my father before her eyes fixed on me, "Ryoma-kun."

"Ryuzaki-chan! It's so good to see you!" Oyaji exclaimed and gave her a sudden hug surprising the both of us.

"Oyaji!" I acted as I pried him from my girlfriend.

"You don't have to be jealous, seishounen. I am not going to steal your girlfriend from you."

I glared at him as I brought Ryuzaki behind my back protectively.

Stupid Oyaji.

"What's the commotion outside?" The voice of Ryuzaki-sensei boomed from the inside and immediately saw us when she peeked where we were standing, "You two finally arrived. You might as well tell us your presence."

Oyaji walked ahead bringing his arms to his head while I shot daggers to his head. I felt a tug at my sleeves and saw my girlfriend looking curiously at me.

"Your mom's here." She said awkwardly.

"What's happening?" I asked her but she only shook her head. Before she could say anything, stupid Oyaji interrupted us.

"Hey, you lovebirds outside. You might as well come inside and join us here."

I almost rolled my eyes but thought better of it. I grunted as I held on to Ryuzaki's hand and pulled her inside. Just like she said, my mother was already in the living room, chatting with sensei. Oyaji was sitting next to her. I went to the sofa and sat there pulling my girlfriend to sit next to me.

"Aren't they cute?"

I heard my father whispered earning him a glare from me. Ryuzaki blushed when she heard that my mom agreed.

"I've been hoping that my son would finally ask her out. I am glad he has the bones to do it now."

"Okaa-san!" I exclaimed not taking it anymore, "Just what are we doing here this early in the morning?"

She cast me a glare that would shut me up but I held my ground. I didn't say anything but I waited for her to say something which she did.

"You didn't listen to what I was saying this morning, did you?" She sighed before she leaned back, "We're courting her family."

"What?" Both Ryuzaki and I said at the same time.

"B-but w-we are just only teenagers. A-and we are just starting to date so..." Ryuzaki continued as the blush on her face intensified.

"She's right? Aren't we getting fast?" I asked as I looked at them. Somehow, deep in my mind, I liked the idea of what we were doing now. I could see myself in the future with her. I found myself looking forward to it.

"Hush you two!" Sensei said, "We aren't tying the two of you yet. This is to know how the two of you are going to be blessed by the both of your parents and me. We want you guys to be official."

"Aren't we yet?" I murmured but Oyaji heard me.

"Behave, Ryoma." He warned pointing at me, "You don't want to experience the wrath of your mother, do you?"

Kaa-san hit my father in the arm, "You behave Nanjiroh."

The rest of us laughed, well, I snickered. We talked about relationships and so on. The grown ups reminded us about the do's and dont's now that we were a couple. I didn't know how the news got to my parents but I had the hint who gave us away.

With what was happening in the campus, it was expected.


Time flew by really fast. My parents escorted me back to our house.

On the 14thsWhere stories live. Discover now