Sea Sick

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(Jesse's POV)

Lukas's face was deathly pale. He stared straight ahead, eyes fixed on the back of the stained cloth seat, and bit his bottom lip so hard that I was afraid he would draw blood. I've never seen Lukas this sea sick.

"Lukas, are you okay?"

He dug his fingernails into the seat cushion. "I'm fine." He said

"You're turning green." I replied

The boat rolled to the left as a particularly large swell hit them from starboard and Lukas clamped both hands over his mouth. For one tenuous moment, I was convinced that he was going to throw up right there in the passenger cabin, but as the boat slowly righted itself, Lukas relaxed.

"I'm fine," He repeated, lowering his hands.


I rifled through my backpack and pulled out a plastic grocery bag, which Lukas took from his outstretched hand. "You don't think it'll be much longer, do you?" he asked, as I lean against the cushion and propped my feet up on the facing row of seats. "I think we're almost there." Then, there was some silence for a few minutes.

"Remember when your parents invited me to the Friday Harbor?" I asked. It had been the beginning of summer, the first time I had been invited on vacation with Lukas's family. A hint smile broke the corner of Lukas's mouth. "You were so sick" he said.


"You puked all over the bathroom in the boat."

I laughed. "I thought your mom was going to throw me overboard."

"Me too." Lukas laughed

Not one of my favorite memories, but maybe it would keep Lukas's mind off his churning stomach. "And you weren't sick at all, so you'll be fine 'til we get to Henry Island." Lukas shook his head. "But that was summer. When the water's calm." Lukas gestured toward the double-paned window. "Not like this."

"Good point." I said, while gazing outside. The rain had died down for a moment--- erratic water trails no longer zipped diagonally across the pane--- but the wind, if anything, had intensified. It howled past the cabin, whipping from ahead, then slamming into the sides of the boat with a force that seemed almost super natural.

Lukas leaned his head against my shoulder. "Maybe I shouldn't have come" said Lukas in a sad voice.

I couldn't suppress a laugh. "It's a bit late for that"

"I know, but..."

"But what?" I asked.

"This vacation trip was only suppose to be for Axel, Olivia, Petra, and you. You're the new Order of the stone and you guys defeated the witherstorm. I don't know why I'm coming along on this trip, I'm not even part of the Order" said Lukas. "That's not true, I'm the one who dragged you on this trip, and you are also part of the Order too" I said trying to cheer him up. "You're going to have fun this weekend, even if it kills me" I added.

"I guess you're right" he said in a not so happy tone.

I placed my hand over his and squeezed it. "Look, were going to have fun on this trip. We need it. Okay?"

He nodded, then I heard Petra and the others who where on the top floor, calling me. "Jesse we're here!" yelled Axel. Lukas and me got up from our seats, then I decided to lean my face near Lukas and I gave him a quick little kiss on the cheek. I saw him blush.

"I'm glad you came with us, Lukas."

A/N: Then Lukas gets eaten by a shark, JK.

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