Chapter One

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I lay out underneath the large tree that sits in my backyard alone. My red spring dress welcomes the sunlight that heats my shoulders and legs. The sun is shining today, which is not odd. Cheshire hasn't had rain for three months now. I don't believe I was ever a fan of the rain, so the sunny days are fine by me. 

As I look around, I remember this place. I remember the green grass that never fades, and the flowers on the windowsill next to the door that never die. But the memories I'm sure I once had to go along with these things... that's what is missing. Maybe I sat out here with my best friends gossiping after a big test at school. Maybe I stared at the stars through the battered branches with someone I loved. 

I no longer feel physical pain from the accident; the headaches have subsided and I'm back to being barely but well enough normal. The emotional pain, however, grows inside of me like a virus. It gets larger each day, when I wonder what I have forgotten. There is no experience in my brain, not that I know of anyway. I was forced to forget my childhood. And that's the pain that hurts the most. 


Through the freshly cleaned window I stare out at my daughter as I do everyday. Her blonde hair always falling behind her as she gazes at the sky. The doctors said she might never remember those she loved most, and those who were a huge part of her life. I didn't know how to react, other than being proud that she knows who she is. 

She was once a beautiful young girl who had ambition brighter than the sun and all things under it. She was going to be someone. But the night she was hit by the truck was an end to the ray of sunshine and a cue for the storm clouds to stay and mock her forever. 

I will never forget her waking up and screaming at me, telling me to get out. She didn't know me. She didn't know anyone or anything besides her own name. It took her three weeks to finally come home and somewhat trust that I was her mother. I still see the fear in her eyes sometimes, the way they used to look at me comes back and haunts my nightmares. Although she makes progress each day, I can't help but think about if I picked her up that night. If she didn't get hit. 


"Cailyn, come inside, lunch is ready." I stand from the indented grass, thanks to my body, and brush off my dress. By the time I make it to the light wood kitchen table, Mum has her usual salads sitting in colorful bowls near the windows. 

I place the white napkin neatly in my lap and begin eating. As usual, Mum waits for me to begin the conversation. 

"Finish the story you told yesterday," I politely demand. Mum wipes her mouth with a small grin and nods, waiting to finish chewing before beginning. 

"Anyway," She starts with a large sigh. I feel myself get anxious and excited at the same time. 'I told Benjamin that I could not and would not marry him at the alter. So I ran out of the church in my expensive wedding dress and down Sitter Road to one of my father's farms at the time. And there Charlie stood, wearing a red flannel, jeans, and work boots. He was covered in mud from the rain we had gotten the night before yet I had never loved him more." 

I smile and nod for her to go on. 

"He asked me why I gave up the luxurious life and I told him it was for him. It took a lot of convincing but my father eventually let us get married. And then we had you." She reaches over and sweeps a lock of hair out of my face and behind my ear. Her fingers are ice cold as usual but I don't mind. 

My smile diminishes as I search for the face belonging to the memory. "When did he die?" I ask, tracing my finger around the top of my cup in circles. 

Her green eyes cut down to her half-eaten ceaser salad before clearing her throat deeply. 

"Three years before the accident." No. No, there's no way that I had fourteen years with my father and I can't remember any of them. Tears unwelcomly fill my eyes and slip down my cheeks. I stand to my feet and take the dishes to the kitchen sink. 

"Cailyn," She starts. 

"No. It's unfair. I should remember. I should." I croak as I turn to stare at Mum. Tears are welling in her eyes but I know she will not let them fall. She squeezes me in her arms and I feel uncomfortable. 

"You should, I know. But you don't. It's okay, no one is mad at you." 

"It's not okay, Mum. I can't remember anything. I don't remember you or dad or anyone else." I take a large step away from her. "I only know me." 

Before she can reply, I hop up the stairs and into my room. For the past two years, this place had been a haven for me. The forest green walls and Beatles posters allow me to be at ease with myself. 

I hear my mother complain to someone and I turn up my stereo to drown it out. I look around my room, no pictures evident, just trophies for things I probably did but have no recollection of. 

A loud rumble comes from my closet and my shaky hand twists the brass doorknob to open the white door. A box has fallen from the top shelf, leaving squares of paper sprawled on the wooden floor. I bend down to pick them up when I grab one and my breath hitches in my throat. 

It's a photograph. Of me and a boy. It's pitch black around us and he has his arm around me. We are both grinning like idiots. His brown curly hair is pushed back and his electric green eyes are evident, even with the flash of the camera. This is the boy that has been in every dream of mine, every single one. I sit on the ground with the plain boz and go through it, sorting out all of the pictures of us. At the bottom, there is a necklace. I wave the white gold chain in front of my face until I notice that the pendant is a key, and it has my name engraved on it. 

There is another engraving. It looks like half a plus symbol, meaning and? I check twice to make sure it doesn't lead to anything else on this piece of jewelry. And what? And who? Maybe this boy. 

I pad down the staies with the first picture I found tightly pressed between my fingers. Mum is still talking on the phone but I do not care about interrupting her right now. 

"Who's this?" I ask. She turns to me and the phone drops from in between her cheek and shoulder onto the ground. I am surprised both by her reaction, and the phone not breaking upon impact. A gasp falls from her lips as her eyes move back and forth between the picture and I. 

Mum bends down to get the phone and speaks quickly, "Come over." 


Ah first chapter! Sorry this didn't have Harry in it! But the next one has a lot of him in it. Hanna Marin is Cailyn if you didn't already catch that. And Cailyn's nineteen. If you have any more questions just let me know! 

Memory- Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now