Wesley imagine for Bella

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Everyone loved you mostly cause you were a model. Everyone gave you special treatment. Today was the Teen Choice Awards and you were nominated for best model. Your celebrity crush Wesley Stromberg was outside when you got there.  He smiled and waved to you. You smiled back. You brought your best friend Jessica and she said "Smile and wave boys." You just laughed cause she was such a kid. The paparazzi was everywhere. Security walked us on the carpet. We took some photos together. When I walked in I sat in the seat in the middle and it was right next to Wes. "Is anyone sitting here?" I asked. "Nope" He said popping the p. I sat down and me and Wes were talking till the show started. Me and Wes would talk in between and when it was there category I crossed my fingers with them and they won. They all game me and Jessica hugs then they went on stage. They were giving there speech and Wes kept looking at you smiling. Then they came down and it was your category and you won to and Wes hugged you really tight and so did Jessica you went up and gave your speech when you came back Wes said "We should go out after this." You smiled and said "Ok"  When it was over with you and him went to the bar and that was the start of a wonderful relationship <3333

I hope you like it :))))

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