The New Virtual X

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As the sun rises Tim slowly woke up. It was Friday. Finally. Just one last day at school and then him and his two friends, Mike and Chad, could play video games all weekend. But for now he had to go to school so he got out of bed and went to get dressed. Tim put on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans and went to go get breakfast. After breakfast Tim walked back up stairs to brush his teeth. He looked in the mirror in the bathroom and saw a short boy with black, scruffy hair, pale white skin, and bright blue eyes. Tim grabbed his toothbrush, put a bit of toothpaste on it dipped it under the tap and started brushing his teeth. He moved that toothbrush quickly around his mouth for a few minutes and spit out the toothpaste in his mouth. He dipped the toothbrush back under the tap to make sure it was clean. Tim then opened up one of the drawers and pulled out a comb. He started brushing his hair pushing it so it was at an angle and left the bathroom. Tim threw on his runners packed his backpack and started walking to school. It was a very and tiring walk because he has to walk up the very steep hill. He couldn't get his mother to drive him because she was too busy with work and his dad left him at the age of 4. Tim finally reached his first class at Seinfeld Secondary School. Tim was in eighth grade with Mike and Chad. He walked into his home room and saw Mike and Chad talking at their desks in the corner. Tim walked over. The boys turned around and faced Tim. "Hey Tim!" Said Mike. "Hey Mike" replied Tim. "Hey Tim. Did you hear about the new Virtual X VR headset?" Said Chad. "No not yet. What does it do?" "Well it's the best VR headset ever! It can play almost any game!" "Can it play Super Cave Explorer?" Asked Tim. "Totally!" Said Chad. Super Cave Explorer is the boys' favourite game. They thought that they were pretty good at it. "Sick. How much is it?" Asked Tim. "$600" said Mike. "Well I have $350 so I only need $250. I can mow lawns and do my chores and hopefully I can afford one!" Said Tim. "Can we play on it when we come over?" Asked Mike. "Of course!" Said Tim. Their teacher walked in and said "Okay class! Time to start the day!" Everyone got in their seats and got ready for the day. I wonder if Tim will be able to get a Virtual X VR headset? What do you think?

This is my very first story so I am sorry that it isn't the best. I didn't use paragraphs because I wanted to get this part out as soon as possible. If you have any tips please feel free to tell me them. I hope you enjoyed this first part and stay tuned for the next one!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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