Chapter 1: A Birthday Wish

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Long ago, two races ruled the Earth. Humans and Monsters. The two species lived in harmony for many centuries. But, over time, the Humans steadily grew more and more afraid of the Monsters, fearing that they would be able to take their Souls. Tensions ran high in both kingdoms, even threats of war were being passed around. This story begins one week before the war.

The low humming of a song filled the large castle halls, emanating from an enclosed dome-like room. In that room sat a large Goatling Monster. This monster was over twelve feet tall, but he was a gentle giant. His light hair fell like a mane around his face and neck, trailing down his back. A beard of the same color knotted over his chest, swishing with the turning of his head. Bright golden eyes followed steady white-furred paws as the Monster weeded his garden of buttercups. This Monster was the King of all Monster. Dondagore was his name.

A girl was scurrying through the castle as fast as possible with a dress on, picking it up slightly as to not trip over the rim. She ran quietly into the throne room, panting slightly. "Lord Dondagore," she inhaled deeply, catching his attention. The hulking monster looked up from his flowers, clasping his dirt-covered paws together. "Greetings human, what is it you need?" Dondagore said kindly, though with a hint of nervousness in his voice, tilting his great head to the side.

She looked down at the grass beneath her heels. "I was wondering if I could speak to you about my upcoming day of birth." The girl said politely, rocking back and forth on her feet. The king smiled. "Of course, young one. Come sit." He said as he sat down in a large patch of grass, gesturing for her to step through the flowers and sit down as well. He may be a large beast, but he was a Soul of kindness and the king would help anyone in need, be it they needed an audience with him or they simply wished to be in his company. He never refused anyone.

Grace smiled softly, stepping through the grass gracefully. She sat down across from him as she was instructed, then looked up at him. "You know my age, correct?" Grace asked, messing a bit with the grass. Dondagore put on a thoughtful expression. "You are Grace, no?" He asked softly, and the girl nodded. "You are currently twenty-six years old, am I correct?" The Monster asked, turning his bright golden eyes on the much smaller human.

Grace smiled a bit more, nodding. She looked like she had brewing ideas in mind. "For my twenty-seventh birthday," Grace said, "I want to be taught magic." She said to him hopefully, finishing her sentence. A human wanting to learn magic... interesting. Dondagore's gold eyes widened. He then lifted a paw up to stroke his beard. His eyes then gained a twinkle. "Hmmm...if you wish to learn magic, you must know that it shall not be easy for you, being a human. You have some magical capabilities, it will just take some time to exercise them and make them stronger. Are you sure this is what you wish?" The king questioned the girl. "Knowing you, Grace, you have the power and the will to become a Mage if you so choose." He said.

"I would love to do so, Lord Dondagore," Grace nodded. "But yet... I wish of other things, as well." She looked off to the side, a thoughtful look of 'Grace' on her face. "I also wish to become one of your kind, if that..." she paused, "if that isn't too much..." Grace mumbled shyly, now messing with the rim of her dress instead of the grass. Dondagore's eyes widened once again. "What you are asking is a very complicated piece of magic to accomplish. It is not impossible...but it shall take a long while. It has only been accomplished twice before in both of our histories." He put a paw on her shoulder. "It is impossible, however, for a monster to be turned human. Once your body has been turned to dust and recollected into your new body, you will not be able to turn to flesh once again. You must make absolute sure of your decision." Dondagore warned the woman.

Grace looked off to the side, thinking. "My family won't accept me if I do so, but... that's okay because the monsters treat me better than any human ever could." She told him. Her eyes averted to meet his, her pupils big and adorable for a human. Dondagore gave Grace a soft smile. "Very well, child. I will notify our magic specialists, W.D. Gaster and Ardans Fyre, of your decision. Think carefully on the type of monster you wish to be. When you have decided, seek out Ardans. He will either be found in the library, or shopping in the market square." The gentle giant turned his head up to the shining glass roof of the hall, seeking out the sun. "I must bid you farewell, as my kingly duties call to me." Dondagore said, exiting through the golden arch that led to the rest of the gargantuan castle.

Grace smiled more as she hopped up from the grass, picking up her dress slightly as she did so. She silently walked out of the castle, her heels pitter-pattering across the glassy, polished floors. Thoughts were running through her head, thinking about what it would be like to finally be a monster.


Dragon: Hey guys! So, this is the first chapter of New Divides! This story was created because me and Hans had a bit(a lot) of writer's block. So, if you can, let us know how this turned out. Or don't. We'll continue it regardless! *passes microphone* Hans! You have the mic!

Hans: *Takes off headphones slowly, looking at the few readers* Hello, children. I... Uh... We'll work on this more sometime today. My fingers are throbbing from the pain of having to type- but I'm filled with DETERMINATION. And coffee. Lots of coffee. Anyways, have a fun and wonderful day!

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