Remember Me?

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Mom got a call from Katherine the next morning. Katherine is Emma's Mom. She said Emma was going to wake up any minute now.

Mom and I rushed to the hospital.

When we got there we went straight into her room.

"Is she awake yet?" I asked.

"No, but she will be soon hopefully." Katherine said.

"Ok." I sighed.

"Be patient." Her Dad Phil said.

Phil and Katherine are seriously the perfect couple. They have been married For 23 years now. They barely fight and there just really nice people.

I sat next to her bed and grabbed her hand.

After about 5 minutes I felt a squeeze on my hand.

I looked up at her and saw her eyes flutter open.

"Honey are you ok?!" Her Mom asked.

Emma's POV

"No." I answered.

"Emma..." A girl beside me gasps.

I looked over to her.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"Darcy. Your best friend." She answered.

"No i don't think so. My friends are Destiny, Joy, Gracie, and Callie. No Darcy." I said.

She looked at me as Tears stung her eyes.

Darcy's POV

How doesn't she remember me? We've been friends for years now.

Tears stung my eyes as i looked at her.

"Mom lets go." I said turning away from Emma.

"Why?" She asked.

"I'm her only friend she doesn't remember." I cried.

She murmured something to Katherine then said, "Ok."

She grabbed her purse and said bye to Emma's parents before we left.

"Want to go to Starbucks?" She asked.

I remembered what happened with Emma.


Emma and I were on a field playing Soccer.

Mom was on the phone with Grandma checking on the twins.

I scored a goal then started cheering.

"Cheater!" Emma laughed.

"I'm not cheating! Your just a tubby loser!" I yelled at her.

"I'm not tubby!" She said.





"Lay off the Cookies!" I yelled as she started chasing me.

"I can't help it! Your Mom makes them so so so good!" She said tackling me to the ground.

"Thank you Emma." Mom said coming over.

As Emma was sitting on me I pinched her butt and she jumped off of me and i sat on top of her.



"Ok girls, get up off the floor. We have to get going inside the arena." Mom said.

"Can we walk to Starbucks?!" I asked her.

"Sure here's $20." She said handing us the money.

"Thanks. Love you." I said kissing her cheek and Emma doing the same.

We waited for her to walk inside before we left.

Starbucks was just down the block.

When we got there we walked up to the cashier.

"Hi, Welcome to Starbucks! How may i help you?" A lady said.

She looked about 50 so i decided to pull a prank on her.

"Yes can I have a Mocha latte please?" I asked.

"Yes. Anything else?" She asked.

"Nope thats it." I said.

"Ok it should be done in about 2 minutes. Can i have your name?" She said.

"Primrose Everdeen." I said.

"Ok take a seat." She smiled.

I nodded and went to sit by Emma who just got her drink.

I sat down and she said, "Well hello Primrose."

"I go by Prim." I glared at her.

"Ok sorry. Where's Katniss?" She asked.

I shrugged. "In an arena making out with Peeta because Snow told her too while fighting to stay alive."

"Wow, That was a pretty good answer." She said.

"Thank you!" I laughed.

"Primrose Everdeen?" The lady called.

"I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" I screamed before running to the Cashier, leaving a laughing Emma behind me.

"Thank you!" I said grabbing my coffee and running out the door.

Emma trailed behind me.

"Did you see her face?! She looked confused and scared." Emma laughed.

I shrugged. "Maybe she was happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time."

That made her laugh even harder.

I really enjoy having a friend. This is making Tour fun.

The light turned red and the blue or white person thingy flashed telling us it was ok to cross. We started crossing and we were in the middle lane when we heard a honk.

Last thing i remember was Emma pushing me out of the way.

That meant she saved me.

But she's the one who got hit......

I just went unconsious.

*end of flashback*

"No thank you." I told her.

"Ok." She said.

We pulled up at a recording studio.

"Why are we here?" I asked her.

"To have fun singing random songs to cheer you up." She said.

"Ok." I said.

This actually does sound like fun.

And Fun is what i need to get my mind off of Emma.


Oh shiz Emma doesn't remember her...

Please comment what you think will happen.

Are you Team Darcy (feeling bad for her) or Team Emma (you don't care about Darcy's feelings and you hope Emma doesn't remember her).

Lots of love,


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